
4.4 Transition Services


R1. Documentation

Centers and other designated Career Transition Services (CTS) providers must:

a. Track and document placement status, including updating student contact information, referrals, employment data, career progress, and attainment of certification(s) and/or licensing, using the Career Transition System, the approved web-based application designed to record and track student placement information, manage student transition checks, and transfer students.

b. Release confidential graduate/former enrollee information only in accordance with procedures specified in Appendix 601, Student Rights to Privacy and Disclosure of Information​.

c. Update information regarding outstanding transition payments. Notify students of the responsibility to cash the received check within 12 months of the date of separation or risk forfeiture of the payment.

d. Upon receipt of an undeliverable or returned check, make reasonable attempts to contact the graduate to obtain updated contact information necessary to reissue the check.

R2. Reporting

Centers and other designated Career Transition Services (CTS) providers must:

a. Report all graduate placements that meet the criteria specified in Exhibit 4-1, Placement Definitions​ and which occur within 12 months of separation from the Job Corps program. Once a graduate is placed within 12 months of separation, tracking and updating of placement status in the Career Transition System must continue throughout the service period and for three months following the close of the 12-month service period.

b. Report all certification and licensing attainment of graduates, in addition to job placement.

c. Report all former enrollee placements in the Career Transition System that meet the criteria specified in Exhibit 4-1, Placement Definitions and which occur within three months of separation from the Job Corps program.

d. Report placement data according to the following timelines (as specified in Appendix 501 Introduction​​):

​1. Date Reported – the date the student first enters a placement either while enrolled in Job Corps or during their placement window, regardless of whether they meet Job Corps’ placement definition, and regardless of when the CTS contractor first learns of the student’s placement.

If the Date Reported occurs before the student's separation date, it must occur after the student has completed a CTT or attained their ​HSD/HSE (if they entered Job Corps without a secondary credential). Activiti​es during enrollment that are part of the Job Corps training experience, such as ACT or WBL, or are temporary employment situations (such as leisure-time employment or employment during break days) do not constitute a placement. If the activity continues past separation (i.e., evidence of continued college attendance, or transition from an off-center WBL internship to a paid job with that same employer) a placement can be recorded with a date reported prior to separation, as long as the placement verification indicates that the placement continued for at least 7 days past the exit date. This supports the viability of the placement.

If the Date Reported occurs after the student's separation date, it must be within the placement service window time frame.

​​For placement upgrades, the “date reported” is the first day the student starts the upgraded placement - whether this is the first day at a new, upgraded placement, or the first day the position, hours, wages or credits improved in an existing placement. A chart outlining the placement upgrade policy can be found in Appendix 501 Introduction, Attachment 2, Initial Placements and Allowable Upgrades​. Note that all subsequent placements that occur after the initial placement, yet during the placement window, should be recorded for informational purposes, regardless of whether the placement is an upgrade.

​2. Date Placed – the date the student meets the Job Corps definition for placement, and must be at least 7 calendar days after the date reported in order to ensure that the placement criteria have been met. For example, if the Date Reported is April 1, then the Date Placed must be on or after April 8. For placements with a Date Reported prior to program exit, the Date Placed can occur either before or after separation, as long as all other requirements are met.

​3. Date Verified – the date that documentation is received verifying the placement including the hours, duration, and/or wage as appropriate. For placements with a Date Reported prior to program exit, the Date Verified can occur either before or after separation, as long as all other requirements are met.

4. Date Approved: This is the date, after all the placement and verification information is entered into the CTS System, that the placement is approved by either a CTS Manager or Coordinator. For placements with a Date Reported prior to prog​ram exit, the Date Approved can occur either before or after separation, as long as all other requirements are met.

​Note: To be considered a valid placement, the placement verification must be received and reported to the Job Corps Data Center (JCDC) via the Career Transition System (CTS) within 90 days of date reported. The Date Placed, Date Verified, and Date Approved are not required to be in the placement service window. However, the time from the Date Reported to the Date Approved must be 90 calendar days or less regardless of whether Date Reported occurs prior or after separation.

​If the verification of the placement is not received and the information entered into the CTS System, and the placement is not approved within the above-specified time frame, the CTS contractor (on the CTS Report Card) and center (on the CTT and Academic Report Cards) will not receive credit for the Placement Rate measure for this student. The student will also not be in the pool of (and therefore cannot receive credit for) the Full-Time Quality Placement Rate, CTT Completer JTM Placement Rate, Average Hourly Wage and JTM Average Hourly Wage measures. JCDC will, however, include these placements in the National and Regional totals of these measures, as appropriate, if they otherwise meet placement requirements. If the student is a graduate, they will be included in the pool of the Graduate Placement Prior to Program Exit Rate measure regardless of placement status. The placement will not be credited if the dates placed, verified and approved are not within the above-specified timeframes. If the student responds to the post-separation surveys, the CTS contractor and center/CTT program can receive credit for the Quarter 2 and Quarter 4 placement and Quarter 2 Average Earning measures as appropriate.

e. Use the Job Corps Job Training Match (JTM) Crosswalk, located in the CTS system, to determine job training match placements.

f. Maintain case note documentation in the Job Corps Career Transition System Case Notes module of all services provided directly to, or on behalf of the student.

R3. Verification

Centers or other designated Career Transition Services (CTS) providers must:

a. Verify and document 100% of initial placements; these placements will also be verified by a third-party source through the Quarter 2 and Quarter 4 surveys.

b. Obtain placement verification documentation as specified in Exhibit 4-2, Initial Placement Verification and Documentation Requirements​. Placements must be considered to be verified when such documentation is obtained.

c. Ensure that verification is obtained and the placement is reported in the Career Transition System within 90 days after the student reports to work.

d. Maintain documentation of all placement verification for three years.

​e. Verify certification and licensure attainment by requesting copies of certificates, diplomas, or registry data.

Attachment 4 - Quarter 2 and Quarter 4 Placement Appeal Form (Appendix 501)
Attachment 5 - Quarter 2 and Quarter 4 Earnings Appeal Form (Appendix 501)
Form 5-08 Right to Use Photographic Likeness or Moving Images-Release Form for Adult Students
Form 5-09 Right to Use Photographic Likeness or Moving Images Release-Form for Minors
Exhibit 4-1 Placement Definitions
Exhibit 4-2 Initial Placement Verification and Documentation Requirements
Appendix 501 Attachments
Appendix 501 Policies and Procedures for Job Corps' PY 2024 Performance Management System-Introduction
Appendix 601 Student Rights to Privacy and Disclosure of Information