
5.11 Media


R1. Notification of Newsworthy Events

Job Corps center operators, as well as Outreach and Admissions (OA) and Career Transition Services (CTS) contractors, must immediately notify and consult with the Regional Office for guidance and approval of contractor news releases.

R2. Media Inquiries

Responsibilities of federal contractors and others operating Job Corps centers, as well as Outreach and Admission, and Career Transition Services contractors:

a. Notify the Job Corps Regional Office (RO) responsible for the region in which the center is located of all media inquiries, and provide a copy of each inquiry if it was submitted in writing. The notice must be provided as early as practicable and should include the date, time, location, and point of contact for the request.

b. Coordinate with the RO to receive guidance on responding to incoming media inquiries before issuing a response.

c. Maintain the confidentiality of student information. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and any other information capable of identifying a student should not be released without the student’s written consent. If the student is a minor, the written consent of the student’s parent or guardian is required before releasing information to the media or otherwise making it publicly available.

Responsibilities of ROs:

a. Forward media inquiries they receive to their designated contact in the regional Office of Public Affairs (OPA) for review and guidance on responding.

b. Notify the National Office of Job Corps before, or simultaneous to, providing notice to OPA.

R3. Media Related Events

Responsibilities of federal contractors and others operating Job Corps centers concerning media related events are below.

a. Submit a written request for approval to the Regional Office for planned events or activities where media interest or participation might exist, or where the center wishes proactively to invite media participation (i.e., open houses, etc.). This notice must include information sufficient for Job Corps and others to assess the level of media interest (e.g., type of event, date, location, participants, type of media interest or participation anticipated, and any concerns related to the media’s interest or participation in the event).

Upon review, OJC's regional or national offices may provide direction to ensure that the proposed media event and strategy properly align with and support the program's priorities and goals. In some cases, the request may be approved subject to specific revisions.

OJC requires this Media Request Form to be used​ when​ submitting requests for media approval. When possible, the center operator must submit this request at least five business days prior to the planned event.

If media arrives unannounced, the Center must contact the Region immediately for approval to engage, and before allowing entry to the Center.

b. Advise media organizations that Job Corps prefers they interview only students 18 years of age and older.

c. Provide written notice to students in advance of a media visit to their Job Corps center. The notice must inform students that they are not required to appear in media coverage or broadcasts, and can refuse to speak or be interviewed, filmed, photographed, or otherwise recorded during a media visit.

d. Refrain from taking disciplinary actions against students that limit the exercise of their First Amendment protections. These protections include, but are not ​limited to, initiating media contact and publishing information about the Job Corps program.

R4. Center Visits by Elected Officials

Job Corps wants to be transparent about center operations while also ensuring student privacy, minimizing disruptions to normal center operations. From time to time, federal, state and local elected officials may request tours or visits to Job Corps centers. Job Corps seeks to accommodate those requests whenever possible.

Federal contractors and others operating Job Corps centers often extend or receive unsolicited requests for tours or visits of centers. These entities cannot grant elected officials or their staff permission to tour, visit, or speak at Job Corps centers without prior notice and approval by the Department of Labor (DOL). The notice and approval process is outlined below.

a. The center operator must submit a written approval request to the RO. When possible, the center operator must submit the request at least ten business days before the proposed visit by the elected official or his/her staff.

b. The approval request must describe the purpose of the visit or appearance, and what news media, if any, may attend or accompany the official.

c. Job Corps’ RO must notify the National Office of Job Corps of the requested visit. Job Corps’ National Office will coordinate review of the request with DOL’s Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs and OPA. The National Office of Job Corps will also ensure that the RO and center operator are advised of any DOL visit guidance and requirements.

d. Center operators must comply with all DOL guidance and requirements for requested and approved visits by elected officials or their staff, including but not limited to the general prohibitions below.

1. Declared candidates for public office, including incumbents who have declared their intent to seek re-election, may not visit a Job Corps center for the purpose of campaigning at a Job Corps center.

2. Declared candidates for public office may not use the center, its grounds and facilities, and its staff or students for a campaign event or an event that could affect the candidate’s campaign, including debates and forums.

3. Declared candidates for public office may not use the Job Corps logo or other intellectual property associated with the Job Corps program for campaign materials, media, or any other purpose.