
 4.1 Eligibility for Services


​​​​​​​​​​​​​R1. Definitions

a. Graduate – a student who has voluntarily applied for, been selected for, and enrolled in the Job Corps program and as a result of participation in the program has

1. received a High School Diploma (HSD) or High School Equivalency (HSE), and/or

2. completed the requirements of a career technical training (CTT) program.

b. Former Enrollee – a student who has voluntarily applied for, been selected for, and enrolled in the Job Corps program, but left the program prior to becoming a graduate.

c. Uncommitted Student – a student who has

1. been enrolled in the Job Corps program, and remained in Job Corps for less than 60 calendar days (regardless of achievement), or

2. who has exited for a Level 1 Zero Tolerance (ZT) infraction at any time (see Exhibit 2-1, Infraction Levels and Appropriate Center Sanctions, and Appendix 501, Introduction​​​).

d. Placement Window – the period of time from when a graduate/former enrollee has graduated or separated from the Job Corps program, attained a valid job and/or education placement, and the placement was verified.

​1. For graduates – the placement window is 12 months from the student’s separation/graduation date.

​2. For former enrollees – the placement window is three months from the student’s separation date.

R2. Eligibility for and Duration of the Career Transition Services Period

a. Graduates must receive job placement and support services for up to 12 months following graduation.

b. Final transition payments are available to graduates for up to 12 months from the date of separation. The transition payment can be incentive-based to reflect a graduate’s completion of academic, career technical training, and/or attainment of postsecondary credentials. Graduates must be informed that transition payments will be forfeited if they do not cash received checks within 12 months of the date of separation, fail to report non-receipt of checks, or fail to update contact information to ensure proper delivery of transition payments.

c. Regional Directors have the discretion to reissue checks to graduates who do not receive their final transition payment within 12 months following separation. Transition payments, however, may not be reissued beyond 24 months from the date of separation.

d. Former enrollees must be provided with initial placement services for a period of up to three months following separation.

e. Uncommitted students are not eligible for career transition services. Centers must provide uncommitted students with a referral to a One-Stop Career Center/American Job Center or other service provider.

Exhibit 2-1 Infraction Levels Definitions and Appropriate Center Actions
Appendix 501 Attachments
Appendix 501 Policies and Procedures for Job Corps' PY 2023 Performance Management System-Introduction