
 5.6 Property


R1. Receipt and Control of Property

a. Ensure that all supplies and equipment are received and signed into custody by persons other than those who authorize purchases.

b. Receive Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all potentially hazardous material and distribute them to appropriate departments.

c. Develop and maintain an inventory system to account for all expendable property in accordance with procedures in Employment Training Administration (ETA) 359, ETA Property Management Handbook.

d. Maintain an inventory system to account for all non-expendable property through the use of the Electronic Property Management System (EPMS).

e. Conduct a thorough inventory of non-expendable property annually and report the results to the Contracting Officer.

f. Conduct a thorough inventory of all expendable property quarterly.

R2. Medical Equipment and Supplies

The center must:

a. Provide necessary equipment and supplies for routine and emergency delivery of basic medical, dental, and mental health services. All such equipment must comply with federal and state requirements.

b. Purchase major dental equipment according to the current dental equipment list published periodically by the Office of Job Corps.

c. Purchase from government supply service centers (General Services Administration [GSA], Health and Human Services [HHS], Veteran Administration [VA]), whenever possible.