
 5.4 Significant Incidents


R1. Management

Center and Outreach and Admissions/Career Transition Services (OA/CTS) contractor management must:

a. Investigate each significant incident

b. Initiate appropriate action to resolve the incident

c. Identify and implement appropriate procedures to prevent recurrence, to the maximum extent possible

R2. Reportable Events

Centers and OA/CTS contractors must report the following types of significant incidents to the National and Regional Offices:

a. Death or work/training-related hospitalization of one or more active students or on-duty staff in one incident, work-training related amputations, and work/training related losses of an eye

b. Serious illness, or serious injury** (e.g., epidemic, hospitalization, emergency room treatment requiring hospital admission or surgery, reaction to medication/immunization) to an active student and/or on-duty staff member

c. Physical assault

d. Inappropriate sexual behavior

e. Indication that a student is a danger to himself/herself or others

f. Incident requiring law-enforcement involvement

g. Incident involving illegal activity

h. Arrest of current student or on-duty staff member

i. Motor vehicle accident involving injuries, or damage to a center vehicle

j. Theft or damage to center, staff, or student property

k. Incident threatening to close down the center or disrupt the center’s operation

l. Incident involving a missing minor student

m. Any facilities issue such as utilities outages, effects of storms, fire damage, etc., that results in disruption of the center’s operation​

n. Any infraction identified in Exhibit 2-1, Infraction Levels, Definitions, and Appropriate Center Actions​​, requiring a(n) SIR

** Please see Chapter 5, Section 5.9, R15.b​ for a detailed classification of serious medical injuries.​

R3. Incidents Requiring Immediate Contact with the Appropriate Regional Office

Centers must immediately report within 2 hours of center management becoming aware of the incident, described below, to the appropriate Regional Office, by either telephone or text messaging, and by e-mail. Regional Offices will notify centers and corporate offices of the appropriate points of contact for reporting these incidents.

a. Death of an active student. Job Corps centers must also immediately contact the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) and send the entire student personnel record (including sealed health record) to the Office of Job Corps by signature-required mail or delivery within 10 days. The sealed health record must include OWCP forms and written notification of death, plus the death certificate and autopsy and toxicology reports if available.

b. Death of a staff member on-duty

c. Hospitalization of one or more active students and/or on-duty staff in one incident, work/training related amputations, and work/training related losses of an eye

d. Any incident:

1. Requiring law enforcement involvement (If the incident involves a minor student and requires law enforcement involvement, then centers must notify his/her parents immediately.)

2. Involving a missing minor student

3. With the potential to garner negative media attention

4. Where substantial property damage has occurred

​​​​R4. Incidents That Require Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Notification

Centers ​operated by private contractors in states without an OSHA-approved State plan, on federal enclaves in states with an OSHA-approved State plan states (see d below), and centers operated by a federal agency, wherever located, must report the following incidents to OSHA within the specified timeframes​ in accordance with 29 CFR 1904.39(a)​:​

a. Death of an active student as a result of an incident that occurs on center within 8 hours of the death.

b. Death of a staff member as a result of a work-related incident within 8 hours of the death.

c. Hospitalization of one or more active students and/or staff, work/training related amputations, and work/training related losses of an eye within 24 hours of the incident.

Centers must report any fatality, in-patient hospitalization, amputation, or loss of an eye by one of the following methods:

i. Telephone, or go in person, to the OSHA Area Office nearest to the site of the incident;

ii. Telephone the OSHA toll-free central telephone number, 800-321-OSHA (800-321-6742); or

iii. ​Go online at https://www.osha.gov/pls/ser/serform.html.

Should no one answer the National toll free number you must leave​ a telephone message with the following information:

1. Establishment name

2. The location of the incident

3. The time of the incident

4. The type of reportable event (i.e., fatality, in-patient hospitalization, amputation, or loss of an eye)​​

5. The number and names of anystudents and/or staff who had a reportable event​

6. Your contact person and his or he​r phone number

7. A brief d​escription of the incident

d. Centers operated by private contractors in states with OSHA-approved State Plans must notify the State Plan Agency of the same incidents in the same manner. However, if the center is in a federal enclave where the Federal Government has exclusive jurisdiction the incident must be reported to federal OSHA, as set forth above.​

e. Centers must maintain a record of notification on center for a period of three years.

R5. Incidents Requiring Electronic Submission of Significant Incident Report

All incidents outlined in R2, above, must be reported through the web-based Significant Incident Reporting (SIR) System. Centers should contact the appropriate Regional Office if there is confusion as to whether a(n) SIR should be submitted.

Centers must:

a. Submit an initial SIR, even if a resolution has not yet been determined for the students/staff involved, according to the timelines below.

1. Within 6 hours of the center being made aware of an active student or on-duty staff death

2. Within 24 hours of the center being made aware of other incidents

b. Continue to submit supplemental reports monthly, or more frequently, if new information is obtained, until a final report has been submitted. Until a report is submitted as final, a supplemental report, at minimal, is required every 30 days following the submission of the initial report.

c. In the event that a student suffers an injury while on duty or on an authorized day pass, record the incident in Employees’ Compensation Operations and Management Portal (ECOMP) within seven calendar days (including weekends) of supervisor notification. ECOMP information, including Internal Control Number (ICN), must be added to victim and/or perpetrator information with the initial SIR, or as soon as it is available.

d. In the event that a staff member suffers a work-related injury or occupational illness/disease, record the incident in ECOMP (OSHA 301, and OSHA 300 if applicable, only) within seven calendar days of supervisor notification. ECOMP information, including ICN, must be included in the narrative portion of the report with the initial SIR, or as soon as it is available.

R6. Usernames and Passwords

Each staff member who is responsible for submitting SIRs through the web-based system is required to have a unique username and password.

a. Basic Users: These are users who may enter information but may not approve/submit a SIR to Job Corps National/Regional Offices.

b. Advanced Users: These are users who may enter, approve, and submit a SIR. Each center must have at least two Advanced Users. An Advanced User can enter and submit a SIR to Job Corps National/Regional Offices without approval from the Center Director or another staff member.

R7. Display of Student Identifying Information

To ensure student privacy, centers must not use student first and last names in the “Description of Incident” field in the SIR. Instead, centers should use the terms “Victim 1,” “Victim 2,” “Perpetrator 1,” “Perpetrator 2,” etc., when describing the incident.

Exhibit 2-1 Infraction Levels Definitions and Appropriate Center Actions
 29 CFR 1904.39(a)