a. Perform unannounced assessments on a risk management-based schedule. Regional Office Center Assessments (ROCAs) will occur twice during the life of a contract, ideally during Year 2 and Year 4. ROCAs for Forest Service centers will occur every 2 years. Assessments of centers on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) will occur annually. Targeted assessments, which may also be unannounced, will focus on program areas that are deficient in the initial or full assessment, or identified as potential causes of concern based on a risk analysis.
Triggers that could initiate a targeted or full assessment:
1. Unfavorable results of performance, operational and/or financial audits
2. Issues with student safety, security, and culture
3. Constituent complaints (includes e-mails, telephone calls, and hotline report)
4. Unsatisfactory center progress in response to a PIP
5. Category of performance that is significantly below standard
6. Failure to address initially cited Regional Office Center Assessment (ROCA) weaknesses
7. Significant Incident Reports (either a very serious single incident or a negative trend)
8. Sharp decline in Student Satisfaction Survey results
9. Significant facility issues
10. Significant findings and concerns on operator annual assessments
11. An excessive amount of students with high school diplomas or high school equivalency certificates were flagged for integrity issues
b. Conduct audits of approximately 10 percent (contracted On-board Strength (OBS) or average CTS caseload) of all student records associated with performance measurements during center and CTS program assessments, using targeted samples generated by the National Office of Job Corps.
c. Document the results of program assessments and audits, and provide a copy of the completed report to the National Office and the contractor or federal agency. If excessive reporting problems are present, the extent of misreporting shall be brought to the immediate attention of the Office of Job Corps.
d. Assess liquidated damages from contractor’s base/incentive fee for instances of misreporting data based on the following schedule:
Liquidated Damages
Invalid HSD/HSE
$200 each
Claiming credit for an
HSD or HSE in OMS where cheating occurred, and the appropriate actions were
not taken (see Chapter 3, Section 3.2, R9.b)
$200 each
Invalid CTT Completion
$500 each
Artificially Extending
and/or Invalid Leave
15% of the budgeted
cost per day, per student
The cost per day, per
student is calculated as follows: (approved center operations budget that is
in place for the contract year in which the misreporting occurs) / (duration
of contract year in days) / (contracted student slots for the contract year)
Invalid Placement
$750 each
e. Require the operator to post the liquidated damages to the fee line applicable in the ETA 2110 form. The region will request an Annual Advanced Procurement Plan/Financial Operating Plan (AAPP/FOP) change to document the assessment or damages and recover the funds through a contract modification. Misreporting data by agency-operated centers shall be reported to the Office of Job Corps and the respective federal agency for corrective action.
Notify the Office of Job Corps and the Job Corps Data Center (JCDC) to remove invalid (High School Diploma/High School Equivalency (HSD/HSE), career technical training (CTT) completion, and Placement) credits from the Outcome Management System(s) (OMS).
Note: Invalid credits will be removed from each measure that is affected regardless of the report card (OMS, Outreach and Admissions Outcome Measurement System (OAOMS), Placement Outcome Measurement System (POMS), CTT Report Card (CTTRC)) or contractor responsible for the error (OA, Center, or CTS). For example, where verification of a HSD/HSE has been invalidated, credit would be removed for the HSD/HSE Attainment measure. In this instance, if the HSD/HSE was the sole determinant of his/her graduate status, the student would also be removed from the pool for any placement-related measure(s) in the OMS, POMS, and CTTRC report cards. Similarly, a credited placement that has been found to have been misreported by a CTS provider would lead to the removal of the student from the placement pool of both the CTS and the center OMS report cards. Both scenarios hold true whether the center operator and the CTS provider are separate, or one and the same.
f. Contracting Officers may exercise discretion when assessing liquidated damages in cases where an error or omission occurred, or when the action was determined to be careless or was the result of an innocent mistake.
g. When a Contracting Officer becomes aware of apparent fraud, the matter should be thoroughly investigated. If the investigation leads the Contracting Officer to conclude there is a likelihood of fraud, it should be referred to the Regional Office of the Office of Inspector General (OIG) by filing an incident report.
In addition to filing the report, the Contracting Officer will inform the OIG of the actions intended to address the incident. The Contracting Officer will make it clear that he/she intend to take these actions, unless the OIG specifically instructs the Contracting Officer not to do so. The Contracting Officer will then proceed with contract enforcement, unless otherwise directed.
R3. Standard Operating Procedures and Plans
Center contractors, agencies, and OA/CTS contractors must:
a. Establish Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), as shown in Exhibit 5-1 (Standard Operating Procedures), and submit them to the Regional Office for approval within 90 days of contract award. Updates and revisions must be submitted as changes occur.
b. For agency-operated centers, provide up-to-date SOPs, as shown in Exhibit 5-1, with annual plans and amendments to SOPs submitted to the Department of Labor (DOL) Regional Office for approval by June 1 for the upcoming program year.
c. Career Development Services System Plan
Each Job Corps Center and each OA/CTS contractor must:
1. Develop a Career Development Services System (CDSS) Plan. The Plan must include:
(a) An overview of the contractor’s/federal agency’s role in each phase of CDSS, as appropriate for each contractor/agency.
(b) A description of how services will be delivered and coordinated with other partners for Outreach/Admissions, Career Preparation, Career Development, and Career Transition Periods.
(c) The requirements shown in Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R5 – R8 and R10, as applicable.
2. The CDSS Plan must be submitted to the Regional Office for approval within 90 days of contract award. Agency centers must submit the plan for approval when required by the DOL Regional Office. Approval shall be based on a determination that all required parts of the plan are in place, and that the plan is consistent with the overall Regional CDSS Plan.
3. The CDSS Plan must be kept current. Revisions must be submitted to the Regional Office for approval prior to implementation.
R4. Reporting
Center operators, federal agencies, and OA/CTS contractors must submit reports in accordance with Exhibit 5-2 (Plan and Report Submission Requirements).
R5. Outreach/Public Education Plan
Contractors providing enrollment and placement services must develop and implement outreach/public education plans. The plan must demonstrate collaboration and consultation between contractors and centers, and must comply with the outreach requirements of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Section 188, Nondiscrimination, and nondiscrimination requirements at 29 CFR 38.41. The plan must be submitted to the Regional Office for review and approval, in accordance with Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R3.c, Career Development Services System Plan, and must include, as applicable:
a. Outreach strategies to achieve and maintain overall design and capacity
b. Strategies to ensure coordination of efforts between contractors and centers, including the establishment and maintenance of relationships with community organizations that serve specific targeted groups referred to in c.4 below
c. A description of the public education and outreach methods, activities, events, and linkages that will be developed to:
1. Foster referrals of eligible youth from various targeted groups referred to in R5.c.4 below.
2. Promote positive public awareness of student and center achievements.
3. Respond to media and public inquiries with consistent and factual information.
4. Reach potential applicants who represent the diversity of the community in which the Job Corps center is located in terms of the following characteristics:
(a) Gender
(b) Race and ethnicity, including status as Limited English Proficient (LEP)
(c) Disability status
5. Publicize the Job Corps program and the center in media that specifically target various populations referred to in Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R5.c.4, such as newspapers, television and radio programs, and websites with streaming audio and video. Ensure that the selected outreach tools include media in languages appropriate to the population served by the center.
d. A description of outreach methods and materials to be distributed to, and maintained at, One-Stop Career Centers/American Job Centers; youth standing committees, if established; schools; social service agencies including those that serve youth, foster care, and homeless youth; youth programs; organizations; communities; the general public; employers; other employment and training programs; vocational rehabilitation agencies; and other organizations or entities that serve specific targeted populations referred to in Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R5.c.4, such as members of both sexes, individuals with disabilities, or various racial or ethnic groups. Such materials must:
1. Include center-specific information including available career technical training, certification, credentialing, and licensure opportunities.
2. Be designed to reach a diverse audience. Selected materials should be translated into languages appropriate to the population served by the center.
3. Be available in alternate formats for persons with disabilities (e.g., large print, audio tape, open captioning, Braille).
4. Include the exact language of the following tag lines, as required by 29 CFR 38.38: “Equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.”
5. Provide phone numbers for Text Telephone (TTY)/Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) or relay service contact for people whose disabilities prevent them from using voice telephones, where voice telephone numbers are provided for telephone contact.
6. Be distributed to schools; social service agencies, including those that serve foster care and homeless youth; youth programs; and other employment and training programs.
e. Be a direct referral system that provides unions, business/industry organizations, and individual employers a mechanism for referring youth who may be qualified to participate in Job Corps. Applicants recruited through direct referrals must meet all Job Corps eligibility and other requirements for enrollment, and fully participate in all career preparation activities. Direct referral applicants do not have priority over those waiting to enter Job Corps, nor do they have priority over those who are on a waiting list for a specific training program.
f. Provide a system to ensure timely follow-up on all referrals.
g. Have a system to document and monitor the effectiveness of outreach efforts, including efforts to collaborate with One-Stop Career Centers/American Job Centers.
R6. Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan
Outreach and Admissions contractors must have a LEP Readiness Plan that outlines the steps that will be taken to meet the needs of LEP applicants. This plan should comply with the U.S. Department of Labor Policy Guidance entitled “Policy Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding the Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons,” 68 Federal Register 32289 (May 29, 2003) (available at http://www.dol.gov/oasam/regs/fedreg/notices/2003013125.htm).
R7. Career Preparation Period Plan
a. Centers must prepare and implement a center Career Preparation Period (CPP) Plan as part of the overall Career Development Services System (CDSS) Plan. The plan must be submitted for Regional Office approval in accordance with Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R3.c, Career Development Services System Plan.
b. Career preparation services reflected in the plan must be tailored to the individual needs of each student.
c. At a minimum, the CPP Plan must address:
1. The rationale for the center’s CPP design and how it will motivate student success and ensure the provision of individualized services to assist each student in preparing for full program participation, credential attainment, placement, and ongoing career progress and success
2. The organizational structure of CPP and detailed descriptions of how:
(a) CPP will be staffed to deliver a full array of services to meet each student’s needs.
(b) Staff will communicate across various departments to deliver the services.
(c) Staff will coordinate with Outreach and Admissions (OA) staff to ensure that school records are obtained before or during the CPP.
(d) Services and activities will be scheduled, paced, and delivered to ensure personalized learning opportunities are tailored to each student’s needs during the first 60 days of enrollment and are aligned with the student's My Pathway to Achieving Career Excellence (MyPACE) Career Plan.
(e) Student input and feedback will be encouraged and used.
(f) The center will create an environment where students regard staff as supportive, caring, and dependable.
(g) Career Preparation staff and an interdepartmental Career Management Team (CMT) will continuously monitor each student's performance and progress in all areas including career planning efforts, and provide multiple levels of support that will assist the student to successfully create an individualized, viable career plan using the MyPACE system.
(h) Career transitional staff will be involved in the student's career planning phase and interact with the student, interdepartmental CMT, and other staff during the Career Preparation Period. All interactions will be documented in Case Notes.
3. Examples of methods and materials to be used to teach each of the required content areas (The MyPACE career planning curriculum is provided to centers. Centers will not need to provide examples for these lesson plans or activities.)
4. How MyPACE is scheduled and staffed
5. Methods to foster contact between students and employers to demonstrate the relevance of Job Corps career preparation and development activities to the workplace
6. The use of practical experiences to ensure students learn and practice skills
7. Methods and strategies to create student commitment to and ownership of the MyPACE Career Plan
8. A system to identify and address students’ personal needs and issues that may present barriers to full participation in the CPP
9. Approaches to involve Admissions Counselors in each students’ successful adjustment to Center Life
10. Methods to assist students in developing the confidence and motivation to achieve their career goals
11. Approaches that customize CPP to meet the needs of Limited English Proficiency (LEP), as needed
12. Approaches that are aligned with MyPACE career planning results and progress to evaluate student readiness to participate in career development activities
13. Strategies to ensure a smooth transition from career preparation to career development for each student as he or she is determined to be ready
14. How centers will ensure MyPACE instructors have planning periods. Planning periods must be:
(a) one block of time daily, i.e., between the beginning of the day and first break, between first break and lunch, etc.;
(b) during the training day, not before classes have started or after classes have finished; and
(c) at a time when the instructor is not responsible for any students and not expected to fulfill any other duties
R8. Career Development Period Plan
a. Centers must prepare and implement a Career Development Period (CDP) Plan as part of the overall Career Development Services System (CDSS) Plan. The plan must be submitted for Regional Office approval in accordance with Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R3.c, Career Development Services System Plan.
b. Career development services reflected in the plan must be tailored to the individual needs of each student, provided throughout enrollment, and coordinated with career preparation and career transition services (CTS) to ensure continuity of services to students.
c. At a minimum, the CDP Plan must address:
1. The rationale for the design of career development services and how that design will ensure provision of individualized services to assist each student in meeting his or her career goals.
2. The organizational structure of CDP and a detailed description of how:
(a) Each component will be staffed.
(b) Center staff (instructional and other) will collaborate to ensure that training and services are effectively delivered in partnership with all staff involved.
(c) The center will ensure that Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE®) is administered in a designated testing facility, following procedures outlined in TABE® Test Administration Manual and Job Corps’ TABE® Student Testing System Administrator’s Guide for securing test materials, scheduling tests, and administering the tests. The Manual and the Guide are posted on the Job Corps Community website.
(d) Center-based and work-based learning (WBL) will be scheduled and what interruptions to the schedule will be permitted.
(e) Individualized services will assist each student in meeting all eight Career Success Standards (see Chapter 3, Section 3.4 R11).
(f) The center will ensure the delivery of programs and services to students with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and those with disabilities and ensure continuous progress monitoring.
(g) An interdepartmental Career Management Team (CMT) will case manage and continuously monitor performance and progress in all areas (including career pathway preparation activities), and provide multiple levels of intervention and support to assist the student in completing CDP requirements.
3. Methods, materials, and activities to:
(a) Teach each of the competencies required by Chapter 3:
(1) Centers may use either materials and methods as outlined in Job Corps’ course guides or other materials and methods selected by centers to teach the required competencies. Centers must define specific requirements for student completion of coursework and competencies. Centers must also describe how students’ progress in training and career pathway preparation will be documented in case notes, through the Evaluation of Student Progress (ESP), and the Pathway Achievement Record (PAR).
(2) If a center elects to use Job Corps materials and methods to teach a set of required skills, the plan need only reference the relevant course guide.
(3) Regional Offices may direct centers to use specified Job Corps materials and methods for given subject areas if training outcomes do not meet targeted levels.
(b) Integrate academic, career technical, and career success skills development, and practice to impart knowledge and to help students develop appropriate attitudes and behaviors in the context of the workplace.
(c) Integrate the use of technology in teaching and learning.
(d) Prepare students to attain industry-recognized academic, career technical and/or postsecondary credentials.
(e) Use center and employer work sites to teach required skills and competencies.
(f) Instruct students in workplace safety measures.
(g) Provide individual students with experiences and practices to help them meet each of the eight Career Success Standards (see Chapter 3, Section 3.4 R11).
(h) Promote a healthy center culture that cultivates respectful behavior, fairness, equity, inclusion, understanding of diversity, and develop competencies in responding to unconscious bias.
(i) Utilize My Pathway to Achieving Career Excellence (MyPACE) Career Plan, PAR, and student evaluation process to guide each student’s career progress toward achieving his/her mid-term career pathway goal and provide feedback on student achievements and goal planning.
(j) Evaluate student readiness for career transition services (CTS) and ensure a smooth transition from center to post-center services and mid-term career pathway goal.
(k) Provide students with options to achieve a high school diploma (HSD) or high school equivalency (HSE).
4. A description of the center’s student conduct system including: incentives, rules and sanctions; procedures for adjudication of infractions; appeal procedures; student rights; and how behavioral expectations are related to the workplace.
5. Documentation of all center high school diploma (HSD) programs and center partnerships with local high schools (including charter schools) or school districts that serve Job Corps students. This written documentation must include:
(a) Names of all high school programs and school districts
(b) The following documents for various school types (see Appendix 302):
b. A written Center Preventive and Corrective Maintenance Plan must be submitted to the Regional Office for approval within 90 days of contract award, and must subsequently annually in accordance with Exhibits 5-1 Standard Operating Procedures and 5-2 Plan and Report Submission Requirements. Additionally, a report on the status of accomplishing preventive and corrective maintenance must be submitted annually to the Regional Office. These reports must be submitted for Regional and National Office review using the Construction, Rehabilitation, and Acquisition (CRA) website.
R14. Annual Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Program Reviews
a. The annual Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Program Review is conducted in accordance with Executive Order 12196 (29 CFR Part 1960, Subpart D), Department of Labor Manual Series (DLMS) 4, Chapter 800, and the Job Corps Policy and Requirements Handbook (PRH). The review verifies whether each center has implemented the Occupational Safety and Health program outlined in the PRH and identifies any outstanding occupational health and safety deficiencies. The review consists of an on-site visit including opening and closing conferences, walk-through of facilities, document verification, and student/staff interviews.
b. Documentation of Deficiencies and Abatement Activities
Job Corps centers are required to document and post deficiencies manually on the DOL Form DL1-2029. Blank forms can be obtained from the Job Corps Community website. Center abatement activities must be documented in Asset Essentials. The Asset Essentials website can be accessed at:
R15. Occupational Safety and Health Plan
a. Center operators must develop, implement, and maintain a center-specific Occupational Safety and Health Plan, which must be signed by the Center Director. Corporate plans or templates cannot be used. Plans must be tailored to each center. Center plans must include the following, if applicable (see referenced section below for plan details):
1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Plan (see Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R16)
2. Fire Safety and Prevention Plan (see Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R17)
3. Emergency Action Plan (see Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R18)
5. Recreational Safety Plan (see Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R20)
7. Confined Space Entry Plan (see Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R22)
8. Bloodborne Pathogens Plan (see Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R23)
9. Respiratory Protection Plan (see Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R24)
10. Hearing Conservation Plan (see Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R25)
13. Lockout/Tagout Plan (see Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R28)
14. Powered Industrial Vehicle Plan (see Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R29)
15. Crystalline Silica Exposure Control Plan (see PRH Chapter 5 Section 5.9 R12)
b. Plans must be evaluated annually by the center and revised when one of the following occurs:
1. A new or revised PRH or regulatory standard necessitates revision of a specific plan.
2. The center introduces a new trade presenting new hazards.
3. New hazards exist due to changes in equipment or materials.
c. Plans must contain a revision tracking sheet that lists each component of the Plan and documents changes made to the Plan (i.e., specific change and date of revision).
d. Plans must remain at the center when there is a change in the center operator. Center operator policies and procedures regarding safety that are considered proprietary should not be part of center safety program plans. This information should be maintained separate from the PRH Occupational Safety and Health program requirements.
e. Each Occupational Safety and Health Plan must consist of the following components at a minimum, where applicable:
1. Center Safety Orientation
2. Staff Training
3. Basic Equipment for Safety Officers
f. All center Safety Officers must possess the following equipment, at a minimum, to effectively perform their responsibilities:
1. A quality camera
2. Safety shoes
3. Safety helmet/hardhat
4. Safety goggles/glasses
5. Reflective vest
6. Gloves
7. Use of computer with word processing, e-mail and Internet capability
8. Flashlight
9. Electrical circuit tester and Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter tester (GFCI)
Additional equipment may be required depending on the center’s hazard analysis.
g. The following items should be available when appropriate and necessary to identify and control hazards:
1. Lockout/tagout kits
2. Air flow meter
3. Hearing protection
4. Swimming pool water test kits
5. Low-volume air sampling pumps
6. High-volume air sampling pumps
7. Sound level meter with octave band analyzer
8. Noise Dosimeters
h. Standards, Regulations, and Policies
All center operators, Center Directors, and Safety Officers must follow and refer to the following policy and regulatory information in performing their safety and health program review activities:
1. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101, Life Safety Code® and Handbook
2. Current OSHA Standards and Regulations (29 CFR 1904 (recordkeeping), 1910 (general industry), 1926 (construction), 1928 (agriculture), and 1960 (federal agency requirements), to the extent applicable to the center, 1910, 1926, and 1960)
3. Current applicable EPA Standards (including but not limited to 40 CFR 61, 112, 164, 165, 260-268, 280)
4. Department of Labor Manual Series (DLMS) 43, Chapter 1400, DOL Safety and Health Program (August 2020)
5. Job Corps Policy and Requirements Handbook (PRH)
6. NFPA 70, National Electrical Code® (NEC)
i. Occupational Safety and Health Committee
1. Overview
Each center must establish an Occupational Safety and Health Committee in accordance with
29 CFR 1960.58 to:
(a) Review reported accidents, injuries, and illnesses.
(b) Consider the adequacy of action taken to prevent recurrence of such accidents, injuries, or illnesses.
(c) Plan, promote, and implement DOL and Job Corps occupational safety and health programs.
2. Committee Membership
The Center Director must actively participate on the Occupational Safety and Health Committee and attend at least 70 percent of the committee meetings. In addition to the Center Director, committee membership must include:
(a) The center Safety Officer (facilitator)
(b) Manager of Residential Living
(c) A Maintenance Unit Supervisor
(d) A Health Services Supervisor
(e) A Career Technical Training (CTT) Supervisor
(f) A Recreation Supervisor
(g) A Food Service Supervisor
(h) A minimum of two students, selected by their peers
(i) Representatives from other organizational units, as appropriate
3. Duties of Committee Members
Committee member duties must include, but not be limited to, the following:
(a) Assist in safety inspections when requested by the Safety Officer. Student committee members must participate in safety inspections at least monthly.
(b) Observe and report infractions of safety rules and regulations.
(c) Review accident reports to determine if corrective action is necessary or if harmful trends exist.
(d) Review inspection reports prepared by the center Safety Officer identifying unsafe/unhealthful conditions, and suggest techniques or strategies for correction/abatement.
(e) Review all suggestions and concerns submitted by students and staff, and make recommendations for implementation to the Center Director.
(f) Develop and implement a safety awards and recognition program.
4. Training for Committee Members
In accordance with
29 CFR 1960.58, safety committee members must complete training commensurate with the scope of their assigned responsibilities within six months of appointment. Such training must include:
(a) The center’s Occupational Safety and Health program (recommend training within 30 days of appointment)
(c) Executive Order 12196 – Occupational Safety and Health programs for federal employees
(d) General content contained in
29 CFR 1904,
1926, 1928, and 1960 (see h.2 above for explanation), to the extent applicable to the center
(e) Center procedures for the reporting, evaluation, and abatement of hazards
(f) Center procedures for reporting and investigating allegations of reprisal, and the recognition of hazardous conditions and environments
(g) Identification and use of occupational safety and health standards, and other appropriate rules and regulations
5. Occupational Safety and Health Committee Meetings
Meetings must be held monthly and/or when called by the Center Director or Safety Officer. Copies of minutes must be maintained at the center for three years and made available upon request.
R16. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Plan
In accordance with
29 CFR 1910.132, centers are required to develop, implement, and maintain a written PPE plan and program that includes at least the following:
a. Perform hazard assessments for all trades and/or work areas to assess the need for PPE. Maintain hazard assessment records that identify hazards and risks, and document the type of PPE required. Develop procedures to notify the center Safety Officer when new processes are introduced or when existing processes change.
If a new career technical training (CTT) program is introduced, a hazard assessment must be performed to determine PPE needs according to training activities. Hazard assessment based upon other trades and activities cannot be the basis of the PPE requirements for a new trade.
b. Select PPE based on hazard assessments by the trade supervisor in conjunction with the center Safety Officer. Methods for selecting PPE are well-documented, appropriate, and properly implemented.
c. Develop a PPE training program that will address student and staff needs. The written training program includes:
1. When PPE use is necessary
3. How to properly don (put on), doff (remove), adjust, and wear PPE
4. The proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal of PPE
d. Maintain PPE training records for students and staff for three years. Additional retention requirements are as follows:
1. Retain student training records for one year following completion of training or termination of enrollment.
2. Retain staff training records for one year following resignation or termination of employment.
e. Establish procedures to inspect, clean, and maintain PPE. Ensure that supervisors, staff, and students are trained in these procedures and follow the established criteria.
f. Establish procedures to remove damaged equipment from service.
g. Exceptions: The requirements for hazard assessment, equipment selection, and training only apply to eye and face protection, head protection, foot protection, hand protection, and personal fall protection systems. See 29 CFR 1910.132(g). These requirements are covered for respirators under 29 CFR 1910.134 and for electrical protective equipment under 29 CFR 1910.137.
R17. Fire Safety and Prevention Plan
All centers must develop and implement a Fire Safety and Prevention Plan that addresses the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Life Safety Code 101 requirements.
Centers will establish a policy, based upon the proximity to emergency response personnel (i.e., fire and/or hazardous materials response teams) that specifies full evacuation or incipient stage fire suppression by staff in response to a fire alarm.
The center Safety Officer must perform the following activities to ensure that students and staff are familiar with all center fire alarms and evacuation procedures:
1. Center Safety Officers and/or Facilities Maintenance Manager must perform and log monthly inspections of:
(c) Illuminated exit signs
Scheduling and completion of these inspections should be documented in the center’s Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS)
2. Centers must conduct monthly fire drills during high student/staff activity levels and when students are in the dormitories. Center Safety Officers will document the accountability and timeliness of fire drills.
3. Centers must conduct annual inspections on fire alarm system, fire suppression systems and emergency lights (90-minute test) and maintain documentation.
4. Centers must establish and implement a Fire Watch Plan, included as part of the Fire Prevention Plan, to be implemented when there is a nonfunctional alarm system. The Fire Watch Plan will include the following:
(a) Establishment of fire warden and security staff duties and responsibilities
(b) Establishment of minimum required equipment for security staff
(c) Establishment of a process for reporting fires and notifying building occupants
b. Fire Safety Plan Elements
The center Safety Officer must ensure that at least the following elements are included in the Fire Safety Plan:
1. List of major fire hazards and proper handling and storage procedures for hazardous materials
2. List of all potential ignition sources, control procedures, and the type of fire protection equipment or suppression system used to control a fire
3. List of staff responsible for maintaining fire protection equipment or systems to prevent or control ignition fires
4. List of staff responsible for control of fuel source hazards
5. List of staff responsible for sounding alarms and contacting local fire department or other appropriate officials
6. Evacuation and accountability procedures, including the posting of evacuation maps, assembly areas, and maintaining safe distance from affected buildings until areas are cleared for occupancy
7. Emergency notification telephone numbers
8. List of temporary shelters and contacts
9. List of staff responsible for assessing damage to center and coordinating re-entry to center or affected buildings
10. List of staff responsible for communications with local media, Regional Office, and National Office of Job Corps
All centers must provide ongoing fire prevention and fire extinguisher training for staff and students according to their roles and responsibilities within the Fire Prevention Plan. Training resources include state or local fire marshals, insurance companies, universities, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Training programs must be customized to center location, offerings, and programs, and must include the following elements, as appropriate:
1. Training for fire wardens and security staff
(a) Fire classes and the appropriate extinguishing agent
(b) Proper maintenance and use of fire extinguishers
(c) Evacuation and accountability procedures, as defined by NFPA Life Safety Code
(d) Proper use of warning equipment/alarm systems
(e) Fire watch system and alternative warning systems
(f) Fire warden responsibilities
(g) Fire safety inspections, including housekeeping practices, flammable and combustible waste materials accumulation, and inspection and maintenance of fire equipment or systems
(a) Assigned evacuation routes and assembly areas
(b) Procedures for reporting a fire or potential for fire
(c) Procedures for disposal of combustible and flammable materials
(d) Location of smoking areas and receptacles
(a) Proper use of fire extinguishers
(b) Assigned evacuation routes and assembly areas
(c) Procedures for reporting a fire or potential for fire
(d) Procedures for disposal of combustible and flammable materials
(e) Location of smoking areas and receptacles
d. Required Documentation
Documentation of fire safety training, drills, and inspections must be maintained on center for three years and made available for review upon request.
e. Incipient Fire Suppression and Portable Fire Extinguishers
1. OSHA defines incipient stage fire as a fire in the initial or beginning stage that can be controlled or extinguished using a portable fire extinguisher, Class II standpipe, or small hose system without the need for protective clothing or equipment (e.g., breathing apparatus)
29 CFR 1910.155(b). OSHA requires centers to provide fire extinguishing equipment for an incipient fire only if another OSHA standard in part 1910 requires it. OSHA allows centers to address incipient fires and building evacuation in one of the following two ways:
(a) Evacuation of all of the building’s occupants to a safe area without attempting to fight the fire
(b) Evacuation of all building occupants except those who are properly trained and designated to use portable fire extinguishers
3. Incipient firefighting should be based upon a thorough hazard assessment, and proximity and response time of local fire department or emergency response team.
R18. Emergency Action Plan
Centers are required to develop an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) in accordance with
29 CFR 1910.38 if students and staff are required to evacuate the building in the event of a fire or perform arctions specific for other emergencies.
a. Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Elements
1. Procedures to handle hazards and threats including:
(a) Natural disasters typical for the geographic area in which the center is located; e.g., earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, severe/extreme weather, blackouts, utility failures, and weather-related conditions
(b) Criminal activity including arson/fire, bomb threats, suspicious packages, vandalism, civil disturbance, and weapons on center
(c) Terrorist threats including radioactive, biological, or cyber attacks
(d) Medical emergencies, such as pandemic influenza or food poisoning (E. coli or Salmonella) outbreaks
(e) Other hazards specific to the surrounding area, such as hazardous materials spills or explosion
2. A list of emergency personnel and contact information (The Center Director or his or her designee must act as the responsible official during the emergency.)
3. The Center Director or his or her designee must ensure that an Emergency Coordinator and Area/Floor Monitors are identified, and ensure that assistance is available for the physically challenged
4. Procedures for emergency situations that require centers to shelter-in-place, evacuate, and provide for mass care of students and staff
5. Identification of assembly areas on and off center for students and staff to relocate depending upon the nature of the emergency
6. Evacuation route maps indicating emergency exits, primary and secondary evacuation routes, location of fire extinguishers and fire alarm pull stations, and assembly points must be posted in all center buildings, including but not limited to:
(a) Residential facilities
(b) Child development centers, if applicable
(d) Food service facilities
(e) CTT facilities and classrooms
(i) Administration facilities
7. Procedures for staff required to remain on center after an evacuation to perform critical activities (e.g., shut down utilities) and secure the center
8. Procedures to account for students and staff after evacuation to assembly areas on and off center, including students training or working off center at the time of the emergency
9. Procedures for transporting students and staff to off-center assembly areas, including students training or working off center
10. Procedures for staff and students responsible for providing medical assistance (The plan should also provide for instances when individuals responsible for providing medical assistance are not available.)
11. An alarm system must be implemented that provides a distinctive sound or tone for each purpose (type of emergency and procedure) in accordance with
29 CFR 1910.165
12. Procedures for returning the center to normal operations following an emergency (Procedures should be emergency-specific.)
b. Emergency Response Drills
1. Centers must perform fire drills monthly. The drills should be performed during normal business hours and after hours.
2. Centers must participate in federal, state, and local emergency preparedness drills, including terrorist attack and pandemic outbreak response, when possible.
3. Centers must establish and maintain contact with federal, state, and local emergency response coordinators to ensure that current information regarding emergency response procedures is maintained.
4. All drill and post-drill activities designed to improve student and staff performance during drills must be documented and kept on file in the Safety Officer’s office and made available upon request.
5. Copies of drill performance and improvement reports must be maintained on the center for three years and made available for review upon request.
6. Centers must coordinate with the local emergency management authority, local health department, and local fire department to participate in federal, state, or local emergency response drills.
R19. Hazard Communication Plan
R20. Recreational Safety Plan
1. Job Corps centers operating swimming pools must incorporate the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) chlorine disinfection timetable for killing common germs.
2. Cleaning and disinfecting procedures must also include the area surrounding the pool, including chairs, towels, floors, etc., to prevent the onset of recreational water-related illnesses.
3. Provide staff and students with awareness training on the prevention of recreational water-related illnesses.
4. Ensure that swimming pool areas are secured after hours to prohibit unauthorized access.
5. Post proper warning signs, safety rules, and emergency response procedures.
6. Ensure that necessary rescue equipment is maintained in good working order and easily accessible.
b. General Recreational Safety
The Center Director must:
1. Ensure that students receive adequate training prior to engaging in recreational activities such as weight lifting, basketball, arts and crafts, etc.
2. Provide supervision during recreational activities to ensure that students follow proper techniques and are fit for the activity, thereby not placing the participant’s safety at above-normal risk and reducing the risk of injury at all times.
3. Advise students that “horseplay” is not tolerated during recreational activities.
4. Ensure that all recreational facilities and equipment are of safe design and free of known hazards.
5. Ensure that recreational and athletic equipment purchases meet safety guidelines established by agencies nationally recognized by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
c. Gymnasium and Recreational Equipment
1. Gym equipment must be positioned to allow for an unrestricted route of egress from the area during an emergency.
2. Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as helmets, padding, wrap-around eye protection, and gloves must be provided for students involved in recreational activities such as:
3. Recreational facilities and equipment must be inspected daily. Damaged equipment must be immediately removed from use and repaired or replaced as soon as fiscally possible.
To ensure student and staff safety and security during on-center and off-center events, centers are encouraged to prepare plans that contain the following elements, at minimum:
1. Consider limiting participants and spectators to current Job Corps students and staff.
2. Ensure that there is sufficient supervision for off-center games and events. The recommended ratio is one staff member for every five students.
3. Coordinate security arrangements between visiting and host centers in advance of each activity. Visiting centers must provide a list of team members, Job Corps spectators, and player family members at least one week prior to the event. Limit entry into events to pre-approved spectators with proper identification.
4. Host centers are encouraged to arrange for additional security through local law enforcement when there is a history of past serious incidents.
5. Communicate safety and security procedures to athletes, staff, and spectators prior to the event.
R21. Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Plan
R22. Confined Space Entry Plan
The following deals with confined spaces in general industry, which are dealt with by 29 CFR 1910.146. In construction the confined space standard is 29 CFR Part 1926, subpart AA, 1926.1201-1213.
A confined space is defined as a space which meets all of the following criteria:
R31. Center Culture
Centers must establish behavioral expectations that promote a safe, respectful, and goal-oriented culture that fosters personal responsibility and mutual growth.
R32. Delivery and Coordination of Services to Students
Center operator must:
a. Develop a structured process for sharing information between all center staff, departments, and community resources, as needed to ensure the coordinated delivery of services to students, especially in assisting them to meet the rigor of the training program.
c. Obtain DOL authorization (applicable regional office) prior to releasing personal student information to outside entities and ensure any such release is in compliance with the Privacy Act and other federal and state information privacy laws, including obtaining any necessary waivers and releases from students.
R33. Business and Community Participation
a. The Center Director must establish and develop mutually beneficial business and community relationships and networks, including with local boards, to enhance the effectiveness of the center. Relationships must be established and maintained, at a minimum, with the following:
1. Local and distant employers to the extent practicable (Outreach must be conducted in coordination with other Federal and non-Federal programs conducting similar outreach to employers.)
2. Applicable One-Stop Career Centers/American Job Centers and local boards to:
(a) Provide information on training opportunities available through Job Corps.
(b) Encourage referral of appropriate potential students.
(c) Identify job opportunities for Job Corps graduates.
3. Entities offering apprenticeship opportunities and youth programs
4. Labor-management organizations and local labor organizations
5. Employers and contractors that support national training programs and initiatives
6. Community-based organizations, non-profit organizations, and intermediaries providing workforce development-related services
b. Centers must establish a Community Relations Council to serve as a liaison between the center and the surrounding communities. The Community Relations Council will be used as a forum to:
1. Inform the community about projects of the Job Corps.
2. Share information about changes in center rules, procedures, and activities that may affect the community.
3. Plan events of mutual interest to create and maintain community relations and community support.
c. The Community Relations Council must have the following features:
1. Be representative of business, civic, and educational organizations; elected officials; law enforcement agencies; and other service providers, including organizations and entities that serve targeted populations.
2. Include student and staff representatives.
3. Meet at least once per quarter to consider issues of mutual interest to the center and the community.
4. Maintain records of Community Relations Council meetings, documenting attendance and recommendations.
d. The business and community participation requirements outlined above should be carried out for Job Corps centers that are not yet operating at least 3 months prior to the date on which the center accepts its first enrollee.
a. Each Job Corps center must establish a Workforce Council whose members are appointed by the Center Director.
b. The Workforce Council must include:
1. Non-governmental and private sector employers
2. Representatives of labor organizations, where present, and of employees
3. Job Corps students and graduates
4. In the case of the single State local area, a representative of the State Board
c. A majority of the Workforce Council members must be business owners; chief executives or chief operating officers of nongovernmental employers; or other private sector employers who have substantial management, hiring, or policy responsibility, and who represent businesses with employment opportunities in the local area and the areas in which students will seek employment.
d. The Workforce Council may include, or otherwise provide for consultation with, employers from outside the local area who are likely to hire a significant number of students from the Job Corps center.
e. The Workforce Council may also include members of applicable local boards, provided they meet the requirements described in b and c above.
f. Workforce Council Responsibilities
1. Work closely with all applicable local boards and review labor market information to determine and provide recommendations to the Regional Office regarding the center’s career technical training offerings, including identification of emerging occupations suitable for training.
2. Review all relevant labor market information, including related information in the State Plan or Local Plan, to:
(a) Recommend in-demand industry sectors or occupations in the area where the center operates.
(b) Determine employment opportunities in the areas in which students intend to seek employment.
(c) Determine the skills and education necessary to obtain the identified employment.
(d) Recommend to the Secretary the type of career and technical training that should be implemented at the center to enable students to obtain the employment opportunities identified.
3. Meet at least once every six months to reevaluate the labor market information and other relevant information, to determine and recommend to the center director any necessary changes in the career technical training provided at the center.
g. The responsibilities outlined above should be carried out for Job Corps centers that are not yet operating at least 3 months prior to the date on which the center accepts its first enrollee.
R35. Partnerships/Resources for Individuals with Disabilities
a. Each center must develop resources and partnerships with outside agencies and programs that will assist the center in serving students with disabilities. Special focus should be given to developing resources and partnerships that can assist the center in identifying or providing accommodation support that promotes student independence and employability.
b. The Business and Community Liaison staff and other appropriate staff should be involved in this process.
c. Each center will document efforts to develop resources/partners by completing the Disability Partnership Tool available on the Job Corps Disability website or their customized Disability Partnership Tool available from their Regional Disability Coordinator.
R36. Monthly Meetings with Center Director
The Center Director must meet monthly with the Center Physician and Center Mental Health Consultant to discuss clinical and organizational issues.
R37. Readily Achievable Barrier Removal
Each center must consider readily achievable barrier removal—things center staff can do to make the center more accessible that are easily accomplishable and able to be carried out without much difficulty or expense. To accomplish this, centers must:
a. Determine potential improvements to the physical accessibility (e.g., ramps, elevators, adjustable work stations, restrooms, etc.) of the center, by completing the ADA Checklist for Readily Achievable Barrier Removal (a link to this checklist is available on the Job Corps Disability website).
b. Determine potential improvements to the programmatic accessibility (e.g., communication options such as audio tapes, large print, etc.; center’s public materials contain a statement that reflects a commitment to providing reasonable accommodations for all of their programs, etc.) of the center, staff by completing the program Center Accessibility Tool (this document is available on the Job Corps Disability website).
c. Develop an accessibility plan with priorities and next steps based on the results of the ADA Checklist for Readily Achievable Barrier Removal and Center Accessibility Tool. The plan will be used as a tool for center staff to think about the simple things that can be done to ensure that students with disabilities can access/participate in the program on an equal basis with students without disabilities. This plan is not intended to be used to determine compliance for new construction or facilities being altered and is separate from the center’s facility survey requirement in
Chapter 5, Section 5.8, R2.
d. The accessibility plan will be reviewed and updated annually by June 30 (see
Exhibit 5-2).
e. The safety and facilities maintenance staff should play a primary role in completing the plan with support from managers in all areas.
R38. Use of Students for Assistance during Emergencies
a. Job Corps USDA Forest Service Civilian Conservation Centers (CCC) may, as necessary, provide emergency assistance, if requested by public officials, in response to national, state, and local disasters.
1. Such service shall be provided consistent with child labor laws.
2. Participating students must be properly trained, equipped, supervised, and dispatched consistent with the standards for the conservation and rehabilitation of wildlife established under the
Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. 661 et seq).
b. The National Director may authorize a Job Corps center other than a Civilian Conservation Center to provide emergency assistance if requested by public officials, in response to disasters in their community.
c. All students deployed during these situations must be volunteers and be at least 18 years old or have parental consent to participate.
1. Except during community-wide relief activities, no student shall participate in emergency relief on private property or where the actions would result in private profit.
2. No student shall participate in emergency relief connected with labor shortages, strikes, riots, or civil disturbances.
R39. Civilian Conservation Center Forest Fire Suppression Activities
Civilian Conservation Centers shall allow students to participate in forest fire suppression and camp crews when the student:
a. Has completed the National Incident Management System IS-700 training camp crew or obtained the Firefighter Type 2 (FFT2) certification crew
b. Is at least 18 years old and in good physical and mental condition; however, minors may participate on camp crews with non-suppression duties in accordance with agency policies
c. Is paid by the benefiting organization at the same rate and provided with the same rotational schedule as other firefighters
d. Works in mopping-up no more than five days after the fire is controlled
e. Works no longer than a total of three consecutive weeks, without Regional Office approval
f. Is counted as present for duty
R40. Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
Centers must:
a. Establish a program for sexual assault prevention, counseling, treatment, and follow-up care.
b. Develop a team response to sexual assault and involve center staff and outside resources.
c. Report sexual assaults:
1. To law enforcement authorities as required by state and local law
a. Students are considered federal employees for purposes of the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP). OWCP benefits do not begin to accrue until the day following a student’s separation from the program.
b. The center must complete the appropriate OWCP form(s) whenever a student is injured, develops an occupationally related illness, or dies while in the performance of duty. The center must immediately comply with the procedures set out in the regulations at
20 CFR Chapter 1. The CA form portion of the Employee’s Compensation Operations and Management Portal (ECOMP) form and a copy of the ETA Form 6-61 (Notice of Student Separation) must be filed with the OWCP district office only when the injury or illness results in separation and consent is received from the Office of Job Corps. When separation does not occur, such forms must be maintained in the student’s health record.
c. If the student dies while in Job Corps, the center must:
1. Inform the next of kin of any possible FECA benefits if death occurred during the performance of duty. If the student did not die during the performance of duty, the government shall pay only for expenses involved in the preparation and transportation of the remains to a mortuary in the area selected by the next of kin, within the United States and its possessions.
2. Arrange for burial at a site close to the center and at a cost not to exceed the amount authorized in Section 8134(a) of the
Federal Employees’ Compensation Act in the event that the next of kin refuses to accept the remains.
3. Provide the Office of Job Corps with documentation authorizing OWCP eligibility. If next of kin is eligible for benefits, further review by the Office of Job Corps shall determine if any additional gratuity payments, not to exceed $10,000 in accordance with Section 651 of Public Law 104-208 (
The Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act), shall be awarded.
R42. Identification of Local Child Care Resources
a. Centers must promote the development and implementation of local linkages for child care for students to the maximum extent feasible.
b. Centers located in areas where local child care programs cannot meet student needs, and which have space and non-Job Corps funding sources for child care, may request approval to establish on-center child development programs, in accordance with requirements in
Appendix 509 (Job Corps Child Development Programs).
R43. Equal Employment Opportunity/Civil Rights
Center operators and OA/CTS contractors must:
b. Submit a plan to employ and advance the employment of veterans to the Regional Office for approval within 90 days of contract award in accordance with Public Law 107-228 HR 4015, Section 2. 4215 (priority of service for veterans in Department of Labor job training programs), Part b (Employment of Veterans with Respect to Federal Contracts).