
 6.2 Enrollments, Transfers, and Separations


R1. Enrollments

Centers must:

a. Accept for enrollment all assigned new or transfer students who arrive at the designated arrival point or who report to the center. Stu​dents who depart for the assigned center in government-furnished transportation and do not reach the center are not considered arrivals.

b. Upon arrival, enroll the student by creating a student record in Center Information System (CIS) in accordance with procedures in the CIS documentation. The enrollment date is the scheduled date of departure, provided that the student followed his or her travel itinerary. If the student intentionally changed the itinerary, the date of enrollment must be the date of arrival on center.

R2. Transfers

Centers must:

a. By mutual agreement with another center and with written approval of the Regional Office, arrange for the transfer of a student, including travel arrangements, if the student meets one or more of the following conditions:

1. Interested in and is qualified for a training program along a viable career pathway, as documented on the student’s My Pathway to Achieving Career Excellence (MyPACE) Career Plan that isnot available at the current center.

2. A permanent change in environment or associations for the student will enhance the chances for graduation.

3. Appeal of a disciplinary discharge is upheld and the Regional Director requests a transfer.

b. The transferring center remains accountable for the student until the day they arrive at the receiving center.

c. If the student is receiving or has received medical services, including mental health, oral health, and Trainee Employee Assistance Program (TEAP), the transferring center will provide a legible or typed summary note on student’s current status, medication, and treatmen​t compliance at least two weeks prior to student arrival. The note should be uploaded to the OTHER section of the Health E-Folder. The student health record must arrive at the time of student arrival. Centers must follow Appendix 202, Transmission, Storage, and Confidentiality of Medical, Health, and Disability-Related Information, for transmission, storage, and confidentiality of medical and disability-related with regard to this information.

d. Original centers must provide student files to the receiving center in the case of readmitted students.

e. The receiving center is accountable for the student from the day they arrive at the receiving center. Transfers are permanent. Only the National Director, as warranted, may approve a student’s return to the originating center.

R3. Enrollment Extensions

A student cannot be enrolled in Job Corps for more than two years, except in the following circumstances:

a. An enrollment extension may be granted for a period not to exceed one additional calendar year in order for a student to complete an advanced career training (ACT) or advanced training (AT) program.

b. An enrollment extension may be granted for a period not to exceed one year in the case of a student with a disability who would reasonably be expected to meet the standards for a Job Corps graduate if allowed to participate in the Job Corps for not more than one additional year.

c. An enrollment extension may be granted to a student who participates in national service by providing assistance in addressing national, State, and local disasters, as authorized by a USDA Forest Service Civilian Conservation Center (CCC) program per Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R37 and R38, for the amount of time equal to the period of national service.

d. A center may request Regional Office approval to extend a student’s two-year enrollment limit for up to six months in order for the student to qualify for graduation. If approved, centers must maintain documentation of the approval in the student’s personnel folder.

R4. Separations

a. Centers must establish an orderly system to process students separating from the Job Corps program that includes at a minimum:

1. Updating all student accomplishments in CIS, including attainment of High School Diploma (HSD), High School Equivalency (HSE), career technical training certifications, and/or career technical training completion.

2. Documentation of the reasons for the student’s separation as approved by the Center Director or designee, with the documentation filed in the student’s personnel folder.

3. Arrangements for transportation for the student to the appropriate destination.

4. Notification of the parents/guardians of minor students regarding the student’s separation status, date, and scheduled time of arrival home. Such notification must be documented.

5. A system to provide separating students with originals of any earned credentials, documentation of accomplishments, and contact information for their Career Transition Services Specialists, and support staff at the student’s destination.

6. Assignment of the student to the appropriate Career Transition Services provider in the locale to which the student will return.

7. Written notification to the student of name, location, and phone number of Career Transition Services providers.

8. Notification and transmission of student separation data to the Job Corps Data Center within two working days of the student’s separation, in accordance with procedures in the CIS documentation.

9. Verification and update of student address and alternate contacts.

b. Each student’s separation status and eligibility for Career Transition Services will be determined automatically by CIS based upon data entered regarding the student’s accomplishments while enrolled, and in accordance with criteria shown in Chapter 4, Section 4.1, Eligibility for Services.

c. Centers must enter separation codes for students in accordance with the following definitions and separation codes listed in the CIS documentation:

1. Ordinary Separation – Student has separated as scheduled and none of the following codes apply.

2. Maximum Benefits Separation – Formal determination has been reached through the student performance evaluation process and approved by the Regional Director that the student has achieved as much benefit from the Job Corps program as their abilities will allow (see Form 6-01, Maximum Benefit Separation).

3. Resignation Separation – Student freely decides to quit Job Corps. Resignations must be accepted at any time a student requests unless they are pursuing it as a means of avoiding a disciplinary discharge. Students in Unauthorized Absence status may resign in person by returning to center, or by telephone. Within two (2) days of a student’s resignation by telephone, center staff must confirm the resignation in writing, by mail or email.

4. Disciplinary Separation – Student has committed a behavioral infraction or has an accumulation of behavioral infractions of such gravity that it disqualifies them from further enrollment in Job Corps.

5. Medical Separation – Student is no longer able to participate in Job Corps due to medical (including pregnancy-related conditions), dental, substance use, or mental health reasons. Requirements for such separations are described in detail in R5 below.

(a) If the Health and Wellness Director (HWD) has a reasonable belief, based on objective evidence, that the student has a medical condition or disability that may pose a significant risk of substantial harm to the health or safety of others, A Form for Individualized Assessment of Possible Direct Threat (Form 2-04) must be completed by a qualified health professional who has current, documented expertise in the medical condition or disability involved in the individual case prior to the medical separation. The term "disability" is defined at 29 CFR 38.4(q).

(b) At the time of medical separation, the student is initially separated as a Medical Sepa​ration with Reinstatement Rights (MSWR) and may be reinstated within 180 days (see Chapter 6, Section 6.2 R5.e.1).

6. Withdrawal of Parental Consent Separation – The legally responsible parent/guardian withdraws permission/consent for enrollment of a minor student. The center must verify and document that the requesting parent has legal responsibility for the student.

7. Death Separation – Student dies while enrolled in Job Corps.

8. Fraudulent Enrollment Separation – A determination has been reached, with the approval of the Regional Director or designee, that the student was ineligible for enrollment or that they became enrolled as the result of a significant screening error.

9. Unauthorized Absence (UA) Separation – A student will be separated from the program if the student accrues in excess of 6 consecutive unauthorized absence training days or in excess of 12 non-consecutive unauthorized absence training days in the prior 6 months. The effective date of separation is 2 hours after the student’s scheduled training day start-time on either the 7th consecutive training day absence or the 13th training day absence in 6 months, as applicable. It is further noted that if a student who is in Unauthorized Absence status for 6 consecutive training days or 12 non-consecutive training days in a 6-month period reports on the 7th or 13th day (as applicable) within 2 hours of their scheduled training day start-time, the student will not be separated as an Unauthorized Absence Separation.

10. Administrative Separation with Reinstatement (ASWR) – For: (i) temporary or anticipated long-term center closure when designated by the Regional or National Office of Job Corps; (ii) students who are called to active military duty and must temporarily suspend their participation in Job Corps; or (iii) students who are unable to participate effectively in distance learning, as determined by the Regional Director, while Job Corps is in virtual operating status, but desire to continue participating in the program to completion once on-center operations resume; or (iv) students where verification of eligibility criteria for expedited enrollment was not obtained within 90 days of enrollment.

11. Withdraw HIPAA Consent – If the student or parent/legal guardian of a minor student revokes the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) consent.

12. Missing Minor Student Separation – A missing minor student can only be separated with the Regional Director’s concurrence and only after it is evident that the student, through no fault of their own, will not be returning.

R5. Medical Separations

The use of medical separations in inappropriate circumstances may result in unlawful discrimination on the basis of disability. Therefore, centers must ensure that:

a. Medical separations must be:

1. Used only as a last resort, after Administrative Leave with Pay, Personal Leave with Pay, and other types of leave, and/or other methods of addressing the relevant medical concerns (including, for individuals with disabilities, reasonable accommodation, reasonable modification in policies, practices, or procedures, and auxiliary aids and services) have been tried or considered in each individual case and determined to be insufficient. Documentation of these actions is required as described below. At the time of medical separation, the student is initially separated as a Medical Separation with Reinstatement Rights (MSWR) (see Chapter 6, Section 6.2, R5.e.1).

2. Coordinated and completed by health services staff.

b. Medical separations must not be:

1. Used in lieu of providing reasonable accommodation, reasonable modification in policies, practices, or procedures, and auxiliary aids and services (RA/RM/AAS) for individuals with disabilities. RA/RM/AAS must be considered and tried with the goal of allowing the student with a disability to participate in the Job Corps program to the maximum extent possible.

2. Based on stereotypes regarding certain disabilities or speculation regarding their management or associated expense.

c. A medical separation may be considered when the Center Physician, Center Mental Health Consultant, or other appropriate qualified health professional (including the student's individual treating provider) has determined the student to have a preexisting or acquired health condition that requires treatment beyond the basic health services provided by Job Corps and:

1. The necessary treatment is unavailable or will be unusually costly to Job Corps; and

2. The use of Administrative Leave with Pay, Personal Leave with Pay, other types of leave, and other methods of addressing relevant medical concerns without resorting to separation have been tried or considered in each individual case and determined to be insufficient. Medical Separation with Reinstatement Rights (MSWR) must be utilized prior to a regular medical separation being given.

3. If the student is an individual with a disability, prior to initiation of a medical separation based on R5.c.1 and 2, the center must determine, in conjunction with the student through the interactive process, whether any RA/RM/AAS would address or mitigate relevant medical concerns, with the goal of allowing the student to participate in the Job Corps program to the maximum extent possible. See Form 2-03, Procedures for Providing Reasonable Accommodation, Reasonable Modification in Policies, Practices or Procedures, and Auxiliary Aids and Services for Participation in the Job Corps Program.

Requirements for documentation are described in detail in Chapter 6, Section ​6.2 R5.e.2 below.​

d. Medical separations may occur:

1. If the Center's Health and Wellness Director has a reasonable belief, based on objective evidence, the student has a medical condition or disability that may pose a significant risk of substantial harm to the health or safety of others, the Health and Wellness Director will complete the Center Applicant/Student File Review Form (which is found in Form 2-04) and refer the student to a qualified health professional who has current, documented expertise in the medical condition or disability involved in the individual case for a detailed direct threat assessment. A Form for Individualized Assessment of Possible Direct Threat (Form 2-04) must be completed in order to determine whether a medical separation is appropriate.

2. If the Center's Health and Wellness Director​ has a reasonable belief, based on objective evidence, that the student has a medical, mental health, and/or substance abuse treatment/monitoring need that present a significant barrier to​ continued participation that cannot be addressed through RA/RM/AAS, the Health and Wellness Director completes Form 1-06, Center File Review Forms, Center Applicant File Review and then will refer the student's information to a qualified health professional who has current, documented expertise in the medical condition or disability involved in the individual case to complete the Form for Individualized Health Care Needs Assessment as outlined in Form 2-05.

e. Administration of a medical separation includes the following considerations and actions:

​​1. At the time of medical separation, the student is first separated as a Medical Separation with Reinstatement Rights (MSWR) and may be reinstated within 180 days. If the qualified health professional determines that the student's condition cannot be stabilized in 180 days (taking into consideration the provision of reasonable accommodations, reasonable modifications in policies, practices, or procedures, and auxiliary aids and services), a regular medical separation will be given following the MSWR period and the student may reapply, unless the MSWR is extended pursuant to Chapter 6, Section 6.2, R5.e.4(a).

(a) A regular medical separation is given only if reinstatement following the MSWR does not occur.

(b) Health and social service written referrals are provided for all separated students.

(c) Health services staff approve a student's transportation plan for medical separation.

2. Documentation for a medical separation in the student health record must include at a minimum:
(a) The clinical assessment by the qualified health professional for separation, including current symptoms/behaviors and functional imp​airments and a diagnostic code;
(b) Individualized treatment instructions from the qualified health professional;
(c) Student consent;
(d) Referral source(s);
(e) Transportation details, including whether an escort is needed;
(f) Dates of separation and anticipated return to center;
(g) Individualized student medical expectations to return; and
(h) If the student is an individual with a disability, a copy of any accommodation plan and CIS Accommodation Plan Notes tab documentation.
Documentation in the student health record must be initiated by health services staff and completed by a qualified licensed/certified health provider, including Center Physicians/Nurse Practitioners/Physician Assistants, Center Mental Health Consultants (CMHCs), Dentists, and Trainee Employee Assistance Program (TEAP) Specialists. In some cases, it may be necessary to consult the student's treating provider or an outside specialist.

In cases of health care needs where the student does not consent to medical separation, complete Form 2-05. In cases of direct threat, see Chapter 6, Section 6.2 R5.e and complete Form 2-04. The Center must document in writing why the particular he​alth pr​ofessional(s) chosen to conduct the assessment is/are conside​red to have the required documented, current expertise in the medical condition(s) or disability(ies) involved in a given case. This written documentation, including documentation of the medical professional's current expertise, must be retained in the applicant's or student's medical file, pursuant to the requirements of 29 CFR 38.41(b) and 38.43.

In cases of substance use conditions, see Chapter 2, Section 2.3, R5.e.5.

3. Medical separation monitoring and follow-up:

(a) For MSWR, students are contacted monthly by the Health and Wellness Director to assess progress and plan their return to Job Corps within the 180 days allowed. If the student requests RA/RM/AAS in addition t​o those provided previously, the Health and Wellness Director/Disability Coordinator will engage the student in the interactive disability accommodation process and modify the accommodation plan accordingly. See Form 2-03, Procedures for Providing Reasonable Accommodation, Reasonable Modification in Policies, Practices, or Procedures, and Auxiliary Aids and Services for Participation in the Job Corps Program.

4. Extensions of medical separations:

(a) Center staff must submit a request to the Re​gion​al Office to extend an MSWR beyond 180 days for extenuating circumstances and/or if there is a request for accommodation related to a​ change in the date of the student's return. The request should be accompanied by supporting documentation from the student's health-care provider verifying that extension of leave is medically necessary. Requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.​

R6. Re-enrollments

Centers must effect reinstatements or re-establishments of students according to the following:

a. Reinstatement shall be used to expedite the return to active participation of a student who was separated for medical reasons with reinstatement rights or Administrative Separation with Reinstatement Rights (ASWR). Reinstatement is a resumption of the previous enrollment, not a new enrollment. Reinstatement is effective the date the student physically reports back to the center. To qualify for reinstatement under MSWR, the student must:

1. Return within 180 days from separation date.

2. Provide documentation showing resolution of the medical condition (including medical, mental health, ​alcohol, or drug abuse conditions) and ability to participate in the program.

​​To qualify for reinstatement under ASWR, the student must:

1. Return within 12 months from separation date, if the separation reason was temporary or anticipated long-term closure of the center or a call to active military duty (with appropriate military documentation) or as a result of missing eligibility documentation for expedited enrollment students.

2. Submit a written request for reinstatement within 45 days after the center notifies the student that it has been selected to resume on-center operation and instruction, if the separation reason was that the student was unable to participate effectively in distance learning during Job Corps virtual operating status.

3. Submit a written request for immediate reinstatement to begin distance learning, if the circumstances preventing the student's effective participation in distance learning and subsequent separation under ASWR have changed such that the student is able to effectively participate in distance learning (with appropriate documentation for verification of the change in circumstances) and the center has not yet resumed on-center operation and instruction.

4. Submit a written request for immediate reinstatement and upload eligibility documentation via their MyJobCorps portal account.​

b. Re-establishment shall be used, with approval from the Regional Office, to return to active participation a student who:

1. Received disciplinary discharges that were overturned by the Regional Office.

2. Was separated due to arrest for a felony or misdemeanor charge and was later exonerated.

3. Was separated because of clerical error.

​Re-establishment is a resumption of the previous enrollment, not a new enrollment. Re-establishment is effective the date the student physically reports back to the center and must be documented in the student’s personnel file. For re-established students who were separated because of clerical errors, the student will be retroactively placed on paid leave under the Not Present for Duty – Separation in Error leave type as indicated in Exhibit 6-1​. For re-established students who were separated because of disciplinary charges or due to an arrest, the student will be retroactively placed in a Not Present for Duty – Disciplinary Overturn leave type, in either paid or unpaid status, as determined by the Regional Office.

Form 1-06 Center File Review Forms
Form 2-03 Procedures for Providing RA-RM-AAS for Participation in the Job Corps Program
Form 2-04 Individualized Assessment of Possible Direct Threat
Form 2-05 Health Care Needs Assessment
Form 6-01 Maximum Benefit Separation
Exhibit 6-1 Duty-Pay-Leave Status Chart