
3.1 Training Management


​​​​R1. Managing the Learning Environment

Centers must ensure that learning environments facilitate and support each student’s career development as follows:

a. Training facilities are safe, clean, orderly, and well-maintained​.

b. Career Technical Training (CTT) facilities simulate workplaces in their layout, furnishings, training equipment, and organization to the extent possible.

c. Current training-related materials and equipment are available to students in classrooms, CTT facilities, and other learning/study areas.

d. Programs provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to attain industry certification, credentials, licensing or pre-apprenticeship status.

e. Student-to-teacher ratio for academic instructional activities is 18:1 in accordance with Chapter 5, Section 5.2, R2 Staffing Ratios. Career Technical Training (CTT) program ratios will be in accordance with the Master Program List, which is located within the CTT Resources section of the Job Corps Community website. For purposes of defining training slots, one basic program student is equivalent to two training slots. For example, a 15:1 student-to-teacher training ratio translates to a 30:1 slot-to-teacher ratio. One full-time CTT Advanced Training (AT) and Advanced Career Training (ACT) student is counted as one full time CTT training slot. ​Student-to-staff ratios for nationally contracted training programs must be in accordance with contract provisions.

f. CTT and academic instructors must:

1. Remain current and knowledgeable regarding available industry certifications, prerequisites, and examination requirements.

2. Provide instruction and remedial training support that will enable students to overcome barriers in obtaining industry certifications and participating in Advanced Training (AT) or Advanced Career Training (ACT).

3. Provide contextual learning opportunities for students to improve academic skills in the CTT learning environment.

4. Collaborate in developing lesson plans, activities, and other instructional supports to ensure that industry certification requirements are addressed in the academic and career technical training settings.

5. For CTT instructors, in particular, maintain a comprehensive working knowledge of current industry skills, safety, tool accountability and security, and health requirements.

R2. Scheduling

Centers must:

a. In collaboration with each student, develop a flexible, individualized training schedule, tailored to the student’s individualized learning needs and career goals. Interruptions to the regular schedule must be kept to a minimum.

b. Provide time for project-based learning activities, field trips, and work-based learning experiences.

c. Develop a schedule that ensures that prior to graduation, students receive substantial practice and experience in working an eight-hour day or working hours and conditions consistent with the anticipated workplace.

d. Allow time for instructor collaboration, lesson planning, and career technical/academic integration activities.

R3. Equipment/Clothing

Centers must:

a. Ensure that training equipment is equivalent and relevant to current industry standards, and is made available in the most cost-effective manner.

b. Maintain equipment in all learning environments in good repair.

c. Submit requests for equipment to the Regional Office (RO) for review and approval. USDA Forest Service Civilian Conservation Centers (CCCs) must submit such requests through agency protocol.

d. Ensure that students are provided with industry-standard clothing and safety equipment, in accordance with the guidelines in Chapter 6, Section 6.6, R1, Student Clothing.

R4. Personal Tools

Centers must:

a. Ensure that all CTT tools are accounted for and secured after each class and at the end of the training day. Assess inventory lists to ensure that all tools are accounted for, new tools are added, missing tools are reported and located before class is dismissed and properly secured, and broken tools are disposed of properly.

b. Provide tool kits to students who graduate from a contract or USDA Forest Service-operated center’s CTT program, and earn a job-training match upon initial placement. The tool kits will be provided and shipped at no cost to the student, to their home address on record.

c. Ensure that National Training Contractors (NTC) provide and ship tools at no cost to students who were enrolled in their programs and who successfully completed career technical training and obtained a job training match upon initial placement.

R5. Student Certification and Licensing

Centers must:

a. Provide testing, certification, and licensing at no cost to students for the following: high school diploma (HSD) or high school equivalency (HSE), learner’s permits and/or driver licenses, industry-specific career and technical, and/or postsecondary credentials. Students with disabilities must be informed of their right to request reasonable accommodation(s).

b. Ensure training provided will enable students to obtain a license or certification in the state where he or she will seek employment, if applicable.

R6. Instructional Strategies and Materials

Centers must:

a. Deliver career development services through a combination of center-based and work-based learning experiences designed to assist students to attain:

1. The academic, career and technical skills needed to achieve their short-term, mid-term, and long-term career goals

2. The career pathway preparation skills to obtain and retain employment that leads to economic self-sufficiency, to enter into apprenticeship programs, participate in advanced training, pursue a career in the armed forces, or to enroll in postsecondary education

3. The knowledge and skills to function as responsible citizens

b. Tailor instructional methods and expected rates of progress to the learning styles, abilities, and career goals of individual students.

c. Deliver training in the context of projects or workplace situations, using workplace materials, and employer and Workforce Council input, whenever possible.

d. Develop year-round, job-shadowing opportunities with community, industry, and employers, which will enhance students’ educational and career technical skills training experiences.

e. Ensure instructor collaboration to identify instructional strategies and develop lessons, activities, and materials that integrate academic, career technical, Career Success Standards, social development, and career pathway readiness competencies to ensure that students meet the rigor of academic credentials, career technical training programs, and certification requirements.

f. Develop and deliver student career development activities using materials and equipment that support instructional delivery.

g. Develop techniques for assisting students to become independent learners.

R7. Curriculum Content Areas and Competencies

Centers must provide instruction in the following content areas. Specific required competencies are listed in the relevant sections of this chapter. Courses may be designed to include competencies from different content areas.

a. Reading

b. Mathematics

c. High School Diploma (HSD) and/or High School Equivalency (HSE) Certification

d. Limited English Proficient

e. Career Technical Training

f. Wellness

g. Information Technology

h. Driver Education

i. Financial Literacy

R8. Course Structure

All required content area competencies must be integrated into a variety of courses. Centers must incorporate the following course design components:

a. Content that includes, but is not limited to nationally required competencies

b. Prerequisite competency levels for placement into each academic course based on diagnostic testing

c. Individual and group lessons or project assignments designed to help students master course competencies

d. Clearly established performance levels (standards of proficiency or passing scores) for competencies, tasks, assigned projects, and/or units of study

e. A definition of course completion stated in terms of demonstrated performance levels for each demonstrated competency

f. Methods to identify and diagnose the needs of students who have difficulty progressing

g. Methods to assess progress toward certification (when applicable)

h. A course guide for instructors that documents how the components above work together to create a course of study

i. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of course design and delivery

R9. Testing

Centers must:

a. Use formal testing procedures to evaluate the overall progress and mastery level a student has achieved in each content area, including the high school equivalency (HSE) tests, and other tests.

b. Administer the Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE) in accordance with procedures specified in TABE requirements and instructions (Appendix 301​) to assess:

1. The reading and mathematics capability of all students at entry in order to place them at appropriate training levels and course of study

2. The achievements of students in reading and mathematics during their enrollment in Job Corps

c. Verify student mastery of career technical skills through trade-related certification testing, as applicable.

R10. Advanced Training (AT) Programs

The National Office has approved a variety of Advanced Training (AT) programs at certain Job Corps centers. Students enrolled in AT programs have the opportunity to extend their enrollment up to one full year beyond the current two-year enrollment limitation.

a. Eligibility

All students who are placed into an approved AT program must meet the AT program’s specific eligibility requirements. At a minimum, AT applicants must meet the following entry criteria:

1. Must have completed an approved prerequisite career technical training program and achieved all applicable certification requirements

2. Must hold a high school diploma or have obtained a HSE certificate

3. Must demonstrate the academic proficiency needed to succeed, as defined by the specific AT program

4. Must receive a written recommendation from the sending center and documented acceptance from the receiving center

b. Advanced Training (AT) Centers

1. To be designated an AT program, the training offered must clearly show that students will develop higher and more complex skills and competencies than those covered by the basic program. In addition, a center must either articulate an agreement with a postsecondary educational institution for students to receive college credit while enrolled in the AT program, or be supported by industry-specific partnerships. Requests for AT designation should be submitted to the Regional Office (RO) for initial evaluation and endorsement prior to being forwarded to the National Office, which will make the final determination of whether the proposed training program meets the criteria for AT designation.

2. The operator must develop outreach strategies to include enrollment, eligibility, and completion requirements to ​achieve and maintain the AT program’s design capacity.

3. The operator must provide reasonable accommodations to students with needs and disabilities, as appropriate.

4. Regional and National Office staff will monitor performance of approved AT programs through the Career Technical Training Report Card (CTTRC), as outlined in Appendix 501d​.

c. Transfer Credits

The sending center and the AT center will receive all credits related to placement accomplishments, as outlined in Appendix 501​​​.

R11. Concurrent Training

Job Corps students enrolled in and receiving supplemental services from one or more additional workforce development programs or other training institutions will be designated as concurrently enrolled. Concurrent enrollment arrangements must be approved by the National Office of Job Corps (NOJC), with Regional Office (RO) endorsement, and formalized by a memorandum of understanding (MOU) or contract.

Such agreements must include language that describes how each of the following requirements will be met.

a. Students must complete all Career Preparation Period requirements, including health services requirements.

b. Students must receive the full range of Job Corps services, including career development and personal face-to-face assessment and counseling. Evaluations of Student Progress (ESPs) and Pathway Achievement Records (PAR) updates will be accomplished in the same manner as for other students by uploading information in the Center Information System (CIS) e-Folder.

c. Provisions must be made to ensure that concurrently enrolled students receive the full benefit of academic, employability, and social skills training.

d. Student breaks and holidays provided by other service providers must not result in concurrently enrolled students having more non-work days than other Job Corps students.

e. Provisions must be made to ensure that students are engaged in meaningful learning or enrichment activities during their downtime (e.g., non-class days/hours, semester breaks, etc.) from participating courses.

f. Determination for the provision of reasonable accommodation must be made for students with disabilities, as required and appropriate.

g. At a minimum, the center must receive, record, and maintain regular progress and attendance reports from concurrent enrollment institutions.

h. Provisions must be made to ensure that concurrently enrolled students receive career transition readiness services prior to graduation and career transition services after graduation.

i. Concurrent enrollment arrangements must ensure that both programs are not paying for the same services. Center operating budgets/staffing must be adjusted to account for services provided by other concurrent enrollment institutions.

j. Resources from federal student aid, such as Pell Grants and Stafford Loans, can be applied to college credit, reduced credit, or non-credit remedial courses, in accordance with federal student financial aid guidelines. In addition, the courses must lead to a certificate of completion or an associate’s degree at accredited higher education institutions, and must be required by Advanced Career Training (ACT) programs approved by the National Office of Job Corps (NOJC).

k. MOUs or contracts must be reviewed and approved annually by the Regional Offices (ROs). MOU/contract renewals will be due on the contract center’s anniversary or the start of each program year for CCCs.

l. A description of the approved concurrent enrollment programs must be included as part of the center’s Career Development Services System (CDSS) plan. At a minimum, the narrative must address:

1. The name and location of the service provider

2. A description of the programs offered, O*NET codes, and approved slots

3. Methods for determining entry, progress, and completion

4. A description of how the programs will be evaluated

R12. Other Training Provider (OTP) Programs

Job Corps students enrolled in and receiving career technical training at an Other Training Provider (OTP) location or other educational institution will be designated as OTP students.

a. Program Approval

​1. OTP arrangements, including contracted slots designations, must be approved, in writing, by the Regional Director and formalized by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or contract between the center and the OTP provider confirming that the OTP program meets or exceeds the skill standards specified in Job Corps' national Electronic Training Achievement Records (e-TARs). Centers must verify if OTP providers’ completion and certification requirements are at least the same level as industry certification requirements and that they measure competency, not time in class. The Regional Office (RO) must include this as a criterion in evaluating and approving OTP programs.

​Upon approval, the Regional Office (RO) must immediately submit a copy of the documented approval, contracted OTP slots, and MOU or contract to the National Office, Division of Educational Services. The National Office of Job Corps (NOJC) will inform the Job Corps Data Center (JCDC) of changes to programs, slots, codes, and other relevant information that need to be incorporated into the Center Information System (CIS).

​To ensure timely processing of program codes in CIS, the Regional Office (RO) must submit an Other Training Provider (OTP) Program Code Request Form​ to the National Office, Attention: Division of Educational Services/Career Technical Training Team Leader. The National Office of Job Corps (NOJC) will inform the Job Corps Data Center (JCDC) of approved program codes and slots.

​2. To ensure compliance with Chapter 3, Section 3.1, R13.a.1, the MOU must provide a description of the proposed training program(s), to include:

(a) Training in an in-demand occupation in one of the identified 11 industry areas

(b) Incorporation of current industry standards and requirements

(c) Requirements for student completion, and requirements for student certification attainment

(d) System for monitoring and documenting student progress

(e) Cost by training slot, as well as cost for equipment, supplies, and clothing

b. General Requirements

Approved OTP programs must:

1. Offer training at accredited institutions located within reasonable commuting distances of the center.

2. Offer students the opportunity to obtain career technical certification in their chosen field of study.

3. Align with the skill standards outlined in nationally developed and approved Training Achievement Records (TARs).

4. Provide reasonable accommodation(s) for students with disabilities, as appropriate.

Centers must not pursue OTP programs for which on-center programs already exist at that center. This does not preclude centers from pursuing OTP programs that offer specialized training that enhances current center offerings.

c. Entry Requirements

All OTP applicants must meet the following entry criteria:

1. Must demonstrate the academic proficiency needed to succeed in the chosen OTP program

2. Must meet entry requirements and adhere to regulations required by the training provider

3. Written parental consent must be obtained for minors prior to participation in OTP programs

d. Continued Enrollment

Once enrolled in an OTP program, to continue to participate, students must:

1. Carry enough credits and/or complete all coursework necessary to maintain adequate progress toward completion of a certification within the enrollment period.

2. Maintain “student in good standing” status throughout their enrollment in the OTP program.

Centers must develop procedures for removal of students who do not meet the requirements of items 1 and 2 above.

e. OTP Completion Requirements

To complete OTP, students must receive a full professional or completion certificate equal to or exceeding the rigor of certifications outlined by corresponding national, on-center training programs, prior to separation from Job Corps.

R13. Advanced Career Training (ACT) Programs

Job Corps students pursuing an associate’s degree at accredited higher education institutions will be designated as Advanced Career Training (ACT) students.

a. Program Approval

Regional Offices (ROs) shall approve the establishment of ACT programs at Job Corps centers with contracted ACT slots designated. Programs must be approved by the Regional Director and formalized by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or contract. Upon approval, the Regional Office (RO) must immediately submit a copy of the documented approval, contracted ACT slots, and MOU or contract to the National Office, Division of Educational Services. The National Office will inform the Job Corps Data Center (JCDC) of changes to programs, slots, codes, and other relevant information that need to be incorporated into the Center Information System (CIS).

b. General Requirements

ACT-approved Job Corps centers must:

1. Offer training at accredited postsecondary institutions located within reasonable commuting distances of the center.

2. Maintain total ACT enrollment at a single institution at a level not to exceed 5% of the institution’s total student population.

3. Ensure that the training offered to students is advanced beyond the skill levels taught in the basic career technical training and academic programs at the center.

4. Ensure that ACT programs are aligned with on-center or OTP career technical training programs to promote a student’s career development.

5. Develop a formal application and approval process to which all students have equal access, and utilize this process in selecting students for the ACT program. The application process must provide reasonable accommodation for students with disabilities, as appropriate.

6. Establish a system for regular monitoring of the performance of ACT students, via transcripts, attendance records, and other means (in accordance with Exhibit 6-1). This system should be documented in the center’s Career Development Period (CDP) Plan (see Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R8​).

7. Provide opportunities for ACT students to continue to participate in center life.

8. Allow students enrolled in ACT programs to extend their enrollment up to one full year beyond the current two-year enrollment limitation.

c. Entry Requirements

All ACT applicants must meet the following entry criteria:

1. Must have completed an approved career technical training program

2. Must hold a high school diploma (HSD) or have obtained an HSE certificate

3. Must qualify on college placement tests to be eligible for the ACT entry requirements of the accredited postsecondary institution

d. Continued Enrollment

Once enrolled in an ACT program, to continue to participate, students must:

1. Carry enough credits to maintain full-time student status each quarter/semester.

2. Maintain “student in good standing” status throughout each quarter/semester.

3. Complete all course work and earn the associated number of credits each quarter/semester.

Centers must develop procedures for removal of students who do not meet the requirements of items 1 through 3 above.

e. ACT Completion Requirements

​To complete ACT, students must meet the following requirements:

1. Attend the ACT institution for three academic quarters or two semesters.

2. Attain or receive one or more of the following:

(a) An industry certification

(b) A one-year certificate of completion

(c) An associate’s degree in an approved program

R14. Career Technical Training Program Changes

a. Using state and local area labor market information and with the advice of employers and the center’s Workforce Council, regularly assess the labor market demand for workers in the occupations represented on center, and in areas where graduates will seek employment, and initiate career technical training change requests when needed.

b. All requests to add, delete, expand, or reduce training offerings must be requested using the Career Technical Training Change Request Form, which is located within the CTT Resources section of the Job Corps Community website. Specific instructions and other resources necessary for the timely processing and approval of requests for career technical training changes are also found within the CTT Resources section of the Job Corps Community website.

c. All requests to add, delete, expand, or reduce training offerings must comply with the 85 percent to 95 percent ratio of CTT to OBS described in Chapter 3, Section 3.3 R1, Approved Programs​.

R15. Pre-Apprenticeship Program Designation

​​a. Career technical training programs tat are designated as pre-apprenticeships must incorporate the fundamental components of a quality pre-apprenticeship program as outlined in ETA Training and Employment Notice No. 13-12.​

b. Center-operated programs that currently offer or plan to offer a pre-apprenticeship program shall apply for designation. All requests for program designation as a pre-apprenticeship program must be submitted using the Career Technical Training Change Request Form, which is located within the CTT Resources section of the Job Corps Community website.

R16. Job Corps Career Technical Training Programs Student/Teacher Ratios

a. Job Corps career technical training programs must comply with approved student/teacher ratios. The approved student/teacher ratios for each program may be found on the Master Program List, which is accessible within the CTT Resources section of the Job Corps Community website. There are no defined student/teacher ratios for Advanced Career Training (ACT) or Other Training Provider (OTP) programs.

b. The National Office reserves the right to approve student/teacher ratios different than what is listed in the Master Program List if a variance is justified and approved by the National Office. Center operators shall utilize the Career Technical Training Change Request Form and process to make such a request.

R17​. Job Training Match Crosswalk

a. All Job Corps Technical Training Programs are aligned to O*NET-SOC codes. The alignment framework, called the Job Training Match (JTM) Crosswalk, is used to guide the assessment of student job placements relative to a student's program of study.

b. The form and instructions required to request a placement code to the Job Training Match (JTM) Crosswalk are found in Appendix 501, Attachment 6​.

c. The Job Training Match Crosswalk is periodically updated by Job Corps. The latest version of the JTM Crosswalk is located within the CTT Resources section of the Job Corps Community website.

Form 3-01 Career Technical Training Credential Request Guidelines
Form 3-02 Career Technical Training Credential Request Form
Form 3-03 CTT Credential Appeal Form
Form 3-04 Documentation of 60 Hours of Instruction
Exhibit 6-1 Duty-Pay-Leave Status Chart
Appendix 301 Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE) Requirements and Instructions
Appendix 501 Attachments
Appendix 501 Policies and Procedures for job Corps' PY 2024 Performance Management System-Introduction
Appendix 501d Policies and Procedures for Job Corps' PY 2024 PMS-CTT OMS