
1.1 Outreach and Recruitment


R1. Center Information

Centers must:

a. Provide Admissions Services and One-Stop Career Centers/American Job Centers and other partners with current information about Job Corps. See Chapter 1, Section 1.1, R5, Marketing Materials and Strategies.

b. Ensure Admissions Services staff complete and maintain all required training as directed by the National Office of Job Corps (NOJC). This includes training for conducting the Job Corps eligibility and admissions process.

c. Provide Admissions Services staff with expectations for participation and completion of career technical training, certifications, credentialing, and licensure opportunities that are offered.

d. Offer center tours to prospective applicants, parents, school counselors, employers, and others whenever possible.

e. Assign staff and students to participate in outreach activities as needed.

R2. Partnerships and Linkages

Admissions Services providers and centers must, as applicable:

a. Work cooperatively within the workforce development system and apprenticeship programs, schools, National Training Contractors (NTC), and social services agencies, including those that serve foster care and homeless youth to promote referral of prospective applicants to Job Corps. See Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R5.c.4.

b. Establish working relationships and partnerships, including memberships when appropriate, with One-Stop Career Centers/American Job Centers, state and local workforce development boards, youth standing committees that are appointed by local boards, and other local employment and training programs for youth.

c. Work cooperatively with One-Stop Career Centers/American Job Centers to include the Job Corps program within their menu of services by providing nationally approved marketing materials.

R3. Information on Center Life

​Admissions Services must provide prospective applicants and applicants with accurate information about:

a. Residential living, distance learning, and non-residential training.

b. Student conduct standards and expectations, including Job Corps’ zero tolerance and drug testing policies.

c. Student participation in career planning and regular evaluation of student progress.

d. Center life, including options for​ community service learning activities, recreational activities, Student Government Association (SGA), and other center-supported activities.

e. Child care allotments, as applicable (see Exhibit 6-2, Student Allowance and Allotment System (SAAS)​​)

​R4. Outreach/Public Education Plan
Contractors providing enrollment and placement services must develop and implement outreach/public education plans. The plan must demonstrate collaboration and consultation between contractors and centers, and must comply with the outreach requirements of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Section 188, Nondiscrimination, and nondiscrimination requirements at 29 CFR 38.42​. The plan must be submitted to the Regional Office for review and approval, in accordance with PRH Chapter 5, Section 5.1, R3.c, Career Development Services System Plan, and must include, as applicable:

a. Outreach strategies to achieve and maintain overall design and capacity.​

b. Strategies to ensure c​coordination of efforts between contractors and centers, including the establishment and maintenance of relationships with community organizations that serve specific targeted groups referred to in Chapter 1, Section 1.1, R4.c.4.

c. A description of the public education and outreach methods, activities, events, and linkages that will be developed to:

​1. Foster referrals of eligible youth from various targeted groups referred to in Chapter 1, Section 1.1, R4.c.4.

​​2. Promote positive public awareness of student and center achievements.

3. Respond to media and public inquiries with consistent and factual information.

​​4. Reach potential applicants who represent the diversity of the community in which the Job Corps center is located in terms of the following characteristics:

​(a) Gender

​(b) Race and ethnicity, including status as Limited English Proficient (LEP)

​​​(c) Disability status

5. Publicize the Job Corps program and the center in media that specifically target various populations referred to in Chapter 1, Section 1.1, R4.c.4, such as newspapers, television and radio programs, and websites with streaming audio and video. Ensure that the selected outreach tools include media in languages appropriate to the population served by the center.

d. A description of outreach methods and materials to be distributed to, and maintained at, American Job Centers; youth standing committees, if established; schools; social service agencies including those that serve youth, foster care, and homeless youth; youth programs; organizations; communities; the general public; employers; other employment and training programs; vocational rehabilitation agencies; and other organizations or entities that serve specific targeted populations referred to in Chapter 1, Section 1.1, R4.c.4, such as members of both sexes, individuals with disabilities, or various racial or ethnic groups. Such materials must:

1. Include center-specific information including available career technical training, certification, credentialing, and licensure opportunities.

2. Be designed to reach a diverse audience. Selected materials must be translated into languages appropriate to the population served by the center.

3. Be available in alternate ​​formats for persons with disabilities (e.g., large print, audio tape, open captioning, Braille).

4. Include the exact language of the equal opportunity notice in 29 CFR 38.35​, as required by 29 CFR 38.34 and 38.36​.

5. Provide phone numbers for Text Telephone (TTY)/Telecommuncation Device for the Deaf (TDD) or relay service contact for people whose disabilities prevent them from using voice telephones, where voice telephone numbers are provided for telephone contact.

6. Be distributed to schools; social services agencies, including those that serve foster care and homeless youth; youth programs; and other employment training programs.

e. Be a direct referral system that provides unions, business/industry organizations, and individual employers a mechanism for referring youth who may be qualified to participate in Job Corps. Applicants recruited through direct referrals must meet all Job Corps eligibility and other requirements for enrollment, and fully participate in all career preparation activities. Direct referral applicants do not have priority over those waiting to enter Job Corps, nor do they have priority over those who are on a waiting list for a specific training program.

f. Provide a system to ensure timely follow-up on all referrals.

g. Have a system to document and monitor the effectiveness of outreach efforts, including efforts to collaborate with American Job Centers.

h. Have a LEP Language Assistance Plan that outlines the steps that will be taken to meet the needs of LEP applicants. Guidance for recipients is set forth in the Appendix to 29 CFR 38.9.

R5. Marketing Materials and Strategies

a. All pro​viders and operators, including centers, admissions, and transition services providers, must use nationally approved marketing materials and the national websites in communication with prospective students, stakeholders, and the public.

b. Approved materials are located at the Job Corps Materials Marketplace ​and may also be obtained from the NOJC.

c. Any other media, for general or specific audiences, which is intended to promote or inform about the Job Corps program and have not been developed by the NOJC must be approved by the Regional Office, if center specific, and in all cases, by the NOJC prior to circulation. This includes (but is not limited to) all printed or digital fliers, handouts, posters, commercials, postcards, billboards, brochures, marketing pieces, advertisements, and videos. Items that have not been reviewed and approved in accordance with this policy are not permitted for use.

d. Admissions Services providers must ensure that Job Corps outreach materials, including printed and electronic materials, are current and accessible​​​ to all interested parties and workforce development system stakeholders. ​​

R6. Social Media

a. No provider is permitted to create or manage a social media account on behalf of a Job Corps center, project, or program without expressed approval of the NOJC and the Office of Public Affairs at the U.S. Department of Labor.

​b. Requests for approval of social media must be forwarded to the NOJC Point of Contact (POC) by the appropriate Regional Director.

c. Any and all social media accounts that have not been approved by the NOJC and the Office of Public Affairs at the U.S. Department of Labor will be considered a violation of Job Corps policy and instructed to be shut down.

R7. Websites, Including Center-Specific Webpages

a. No provider is permitted to create or manage a website on behalf of a Job Corps center, project, or program without approval of the NOJC and the Office of Public Affairs at the U.S. Department of Labor.

b. Websites that provide approved information about Job Corps programs or services, including center operations, outreach, admissions, career transition services, and Job Corps-related print or electronic materials, and/or conduct official Job Corps business, are hosted by the NOJC. ​

​Each Center Director is responsible for conducting at a minimum, a quarterly review each year of the information on the center's webpage, and reporting inaccurate information to the appropriate Regional Office for referral to the NOJC.

R8. News Media Communications

​All center and placement service prov​iders must request approval from the appropriate Regional Office and the Office of Public Affairs before sharing news or press releases or responding to media inquiries. See Chapter 5, Section 5.11 Media for detailed requirements. ​

R9. Advertising Media

a. No provider is permitted to execute a purchase of advertising media (digital, print, or video) regarding Job Corps without the approval of the appropriate Regional Office and NOJC. Such expenditures will be made within the provider's existing budget, unless otherwise expressly approved by the Regional Office and NOJC.

​b. Media buys and advertising copy and content must be consistent with approved marketing materials and messaging and must be supplied by the national marketing and communications contractor. This includes any free advertising, including press releases.

Exhibit 6-2 Student Allowance and Allotment System